SCREENSHOT 151) Disks Application Menu enables the user to load an ISO/IMG images.

SCREENSHOT 152) The GNOME Disks application is built against the UDisks 2.10.1.

SCREENSHOT 153) Document Viewer with loaded PDF file.
The Application menu is shown, too.
SCREENSHOT 154) Document Viewer 46.0

SCREENSHOT 155) A vault application to keep the system and user secrets such as login password, GPG keys, SSH keys and more.

SCREENSHOT 156) Click on Password from the Plus menu to store a new password item.

SCREENSHOT 157) Add password dialog – fill the Keyring, Description and the password, and then click on “Add”.

SCREENSHOT 158) seahorse 43.0

SCREENSHOT 159) Copy a specific character amongst thousands such as Smileys, Emotions, Symbols, Flags, Math, Letters, Punctuation, Pictures, Bullets and many more.

SCREENSHOT 160) Characters 46.0

SCREENSHOT 161) All logs in the Logs applications.
Information – Sender, Time, Message, Priority, Subject. Identical messages are grouped in one line ending with the total number of the messages grouped together.
SCREENSHOT 162) Information – Sender, Time, Message, Audit Session, Priority.

SCREENSHOT 163) Utilities Logs 45.0

SCREENSHOT 164) Fonts – the application to show installed fonts.

SCREENSHOT 165) All alphabets using the Courier 10 Pitch and the example sentence – “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”