Review of freshly installed Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS (Gnome GUI)

SCREENSHOT 136) myuser-System-Product-Name is the name of this computer under this Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS installation.

Clicking on it to get details.

main menu
Utilities Devices Locations

SCREENSHOT 137) The Disk Usage Analyzer is analyzing the Ubuntu root file system.

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Utilities Disk Usage Analyzer analyzing

SCREENSHOT 138) Disk Usage Analyzer shows in a tree with circular chart how much space is occupied by each directory.

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Utilities Disk Usage Analyzer folders

SCREENSHOT 139) To show a chart in the left for a folder, select it in the left.

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Utilities Disk Usage Analyzer folder journal

SCREENSHOT 140) The chart is for the selected folder in the left – /usr/lib.

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Utilities Disk Usage Analyzer usr lib

SCREENSHOT 141) Disk Usage Analyzer 46.0

main menu
Utilities Disk Usage Analyzer 46.0

SCREENSHOT 142) The additional partition options show what the user can do with the selected partition such as Format Partition, Edit Partition, Edit Filesystem, Resize, Check Filesystem, Repair Filesystem, Edit Mount Options, Create Partition Image, Restore Partition Image, and Benchmark Partition.

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Utilities Disks Additional Partition Options menu

SCREENSHOT 143) More driver settings are available.

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Utilities Driver Settings

SCREENSHOT 144) There are two main settings for each hardware/SSD/NVME drive.

To apply advanced power management settings to the drive.

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Utilities Disks Drive Settings APM

SCREENSHOT 145) Enable Write Cache settings to increase the disk performance.

Power loss may result in data loss!

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Utilities Disks Drive Settings Write Cache

SCREENSHOT 146) Show the SMART Data and Self-Tests on the currently selected disk.

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Utilities show Disks SMART Data and Self-Tests

SCREENSHOT 147) To start the benchmark click on the “Start Benchmark” button and additional configuration will be asked for.

Select the Drive Options (right top corner, the three vertical dots button) and then the “Benchmark Disk…” button.

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Utilities Disks start benchmark

SCREENSHOT 148) Benchmark settings to tune the tests. By default, read-only tests are performed, which can be changed if “Perform write-benchmark” is checked.

Click on “Start Benchmarking…” to start the tests.

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Utilities Disks Benchmark Settings

SCREENSHOT 149) Authentication is required by an administrative user to run a benchmark test.

Fill in the administrative credentials to continue.

main menu
Utilities Disks Benchmark Authentication required

SCREENSHOT 150) The tests are ongoing and the last one is “Measuring transfer rate”.

Useful information is displayed as Samples, Average Read Rate, and so on. The Benchmark test is ready and the final results after 100 samples are 185.8 Mbytes/s average read rate.

main menu
Utilities Disks Benchmark Measuring transfer rate

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