SCREENSHOT 51) Rename multiple files tool.

SCREENSHOT 52) Bulk Rename 4.16.10

SCREENSHOT 53) Catfish File Search

SCREENSHOT 54) Clipboard Manager – the clipboard history utility.
It keeps track of the selections and history of selections.
SCREENSHOT 55) Clipboard Settings

SCREENSHOT 56) Disks – a utility to manage disk devices and partitions.
It may be used for Format Disk, Create Disk Image, Benchmark Disk and more.
SCREENSHOT 57) It is gnome-disk-utilyt 42.0 using UDisks 2.9.4.

SCREENSHOT 58) The scientific mode and two more modes – Basic and Paper Mode.

SCREENSHOT 59) galculator 2.1.4

SCREENSHOT 60) Mousepad is a simple text editor for Xfce.
There is no highlights of the CPP code.