SCREENSHOT 111) digiKam 6.2.0

SCREENSHOT 112) KSysGuard 5.16.5 process table

SCREENSHOT 113) KSysGuard 5.16.5 context menu for process

SCREENSHOT 114) KSysGuard 5.16.5 detail memory information for a process.

SCREENSHOT 115) KSysGuard 5.16.5 System Load

SCREENSHOT 116) Konsole 19.08.0 and its view menu.

SCREENSHOT 117) Konsole 19.08.0 and profiles.

SCREENSHOT 118) Interesting Utilities includes
Ark (Archiving Tool), KMouseTool (Automatic Mouse Click), KCharSelect (Character Selector), KGpg (Encryption Tool), Krusader (File Manager), KFind (Find Files/Folders), KCalc (Scientific Calculator), KMag (Screen Magnifier), Spectacle (Screenshot Capture Utility).
SCREENSHOT 119) Continue with the interesting Utilities programs – KMouth (Speech Synthesizer Frontend) and KWrite (Text Editor).

SCREENSHOT 120) Archiving Tool – Ark 19.04.3