SCREENSHOT 107) Kamoso is an application for cameras.
SCREENSHOT 108) Some interesting Office applications include KAddressBook (Contact Manager), KMail (Mail client, which screenshots have already been presented), Kontact (Personal Information Manager), KOrganizer (Personal Organizer), LibreOffice Calc (Spreadsheet program), LibreOffice Draw (Drawing program).
Application Office page 1
SCREENSHOT 109) Continue with interesting Office applications – LibreOffice Impress (Presentation program), LibreOffice Math, LibreOffice Writer (Word processor), and Okular (Document Viewer, in which screenshots have already been presented).
Application Office page 2
SCREENSHOT 110) KAddressBook 5.24.1 with new contact window
KAddressBook 5.24.1 with new contact window
SCREENSHOT 111) Kontact 5.24.1 Summary
Kontact 5.24.1 Summary
SCREENSHOT 112) Kontact 5.24.1 Mail tab is integrated with KMail.
Kontact 5.24.1 Mail tab
SCREENSHOT 113) Kontact 5.24.1 Mail tab is integrated with KMail and Folder menu is opened.
Kontact 5.24.1 Mail tab Folder menu
SCREENSHOT 114) Kontact 5.24.1 Contacts tab. All email contacts are also shown here.
Kontact 5.24.1 Contacts tab
SCREENSHOT 115) Kontact 5.24.1 Calendar tab is integrated with KOrganizer.
Kontact 5.24.1 Calendar tab
SCREENSHOT 116) Kontact 5.24.1 To-do List.
Kontact 5.24.1 To-do List tab
SCREENSHOT 117) Kontact is integrated with Akregator in the Feeds tab.
Kontact Feeds tab
SCREENSHOT 118) Kontact 5.24.1 Jornal.
Kontact 5.24.1 Jornal tab
SCREENSHOT 119) KOrganizer 5.24.1 with a new event window.
KOrganizer 5.24.1 new event
SCREENSHOT 120) LibreOffice Calc with a new spreadsheet.