SCREENSHOT 71) A photo album application. It is a GNOME project.
SCREENSHOT 72) Photos 43.0 – a GNOME project.
SCREENSHOT 73) A video player application is known as a Totem video player.
SCREENSHOT 74) The main menu of the Videos application. The Videos is playing a video file.
Multiple interesting features such as Make Available Offline, Take Screenshot, Create Screenshot Gallery, Aspect Ratio, Rotate, and more.
SCREENSHOT 75) Videos languages and subtitles menu.
SCREENSHOT 76) Scan a document with the Document Scanner application.
SCREENSHOT 77) Document Scanner 44.0.
SCREENSHOT 78) System Monitor Processes section.
Processes information and metadata – User, % CPU, ID, Memory, Disk read total, Disk write total, Disk read, Disk write, Priority and etc. The context menu of a process offers Properties, Memory Map, Open Files, Change Priority (Very High, High, Normal, Low, Very Low, Custom), Set Affinity, Stop, Continue, End, Kill.