Review of freshly installed Fedora 38 Xfce Desktop


SCREENSHOT 71) Enable automatic actions when there is something in the copied item.

main menu
Clipman Clipboard Settings Actions

SCREENSHOT 72) Clipman History options and the size of the history.

main menu
Clipman Clipboard Settings History

SCREENSHOT 73) Disks – a utility to manage disk devices and partitions.

It may be used to Format Disk, Create Disk Image, Restore Disk Image, Benchmark Disk, SMART data, Drive Settings, and more.

main menu

SCREENSHOT 74) Disk-related functionality – Format Partition, Edit Partition, Edit Filesystem, Resize, Check Filesystem, Repair Filesystem, Create Partition Image, Restore Partition Image, Benchmark Partition, and more.

main menu
Disks Disk Settings

SCREENSHOT 75) It is gnome-disk-utility 44.0 using UDisks 2.9.4.

main menu
Disks 44

SCREENSHOT 76) The scientific mode and two more modes – Basic and Paper Mode.

main menu
galculator scientific mode

SCREENSHOT 77) galculator 2.1.4

main menu
galculator 2.1.4

SCREENSHOT 78) Mousepad is a simple text editor for Xfce.

There are no highlights of the CPP code.

main menu
Mousepad 0.6.0 opens the CPP file

SCREENSHOT 79) Multiple filetypes are supported.

main menu
Mousepad 0.6.0 Filetypes

SCREENSHOT 80) Mousepad 0.6.0

main menu
Mousepad 0.6.0

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