Review of freshly installed Fedora 38 Xfce Desktop July 6, 2023 Author: neoX SCREENSHOT 121) The receiving server – POP3/IMAP, server address, username and password, and more. Claws mail setup receiving mail SCREENSHOT 122) The sending server – SMTP server address, username and password, and more. Claws mail setup sending mail SCREENSHOT 123) Where to save the emails. Claws Mail mailbox name SCREENSHOT 124) The initial configuration is entered and then save with the “Save” button. Claws mail setup configuration finished SCREENSHOT 125) Compose a new mail in Claws Mail. Claws Mail compose mail SCREENSHOT 126) Under the Configuration menu filters, templates, actions, tags and more could be applied to the emails. Claws Mail Configuration Menu SCREENSHOT 127) Add a local user mailbox. Claws Mail add local mailbox SCREENSHOT 128) The location of the new mailbox. Claws Mail add mailbox location SCREENSHOT 129) Claws Mail 4.1.1 Claws Mail 4.1.1 SCREENSHOT 130) Add a messaging account in Pidgin. Pidgin add Account Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Categories: Fedora Tags: fedora, Fedora 38, Fedora 38 Xfce Desktop, review, screenshots, thunar, xfce, xfwm4