SCREENSHOT 136) By clicking on an application more details are available such as brief description, reviews, category, size, license, and more.

SCREENSHOT 137) Scroll down for more information and user reviews.
The user must install the application to write a review.
SCREENSHOT 138) Show all reviews.

SCREENSHOT 139) Application Addons contains addons for KDE, Gnome, GTK applications, and more.

SCREENSHOT 140) Plasma Addons includes addons for KDE Plasma Workspace.
There are reviews, more information, and description sectors.
SCREENSHOT 141) Plasma Widgets sub-group.

SCREENSHOT 142) The Discover settings show the enabled sources, from where to download the available application.

SCREENSHOT 143) Discover 5.27.4 – an application explorer.

SCREENSHOT 144) A file manager – Dolphin with Home folder opened.
This is “Icons view mode”
SCREENSHOT 145) A directory with different files in Dolphin with files preview.

SCREENSHOT 146) Right-click on a file that shows the context menu.
The context menu includes integration with the archival and encryption applications. Click on “Properties” to view the file properties of the selected file.
SCREENSHOT 147) The General tab of file properties.
Name of the file, location, size, type, file associated program, and more.
SCREENSHOT 148) The Permissions tab of file properties shows the user, group, and other permissions and the ownership.
In “Advanced Permissions” the sticky and set GIU and UID bit can be set.
SCREENSHOT 149) The Checksums tab allows the user to generate a checksum using different algorithms – MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512.

SCREENSHOT 150) More file details are available in the Details tab.
For images there are the heights and widths and the type. Rating, tags, and comments are also possible to view and set.