SCREENSHOT 41) The Advanced mode of the built-in Gnome Calculator.

SCREENSHOT 42) Calculator 41.1.

SCREENSHOT 43) LibreOffice Calc Community.
A free spreadsheet program.
SCREENSHOT 44) LibreOffice Calc chart

SCREENSHOT 45) LibreOffice Writer

SCREENSHOT 46) Gnome gedit 41.0 with opened CPP file.

SCREENSHOT 47) Start the Disk Usage Analyzer by navigating to the “Show Applications” -> “Utilities” -> “Disk Usage Analyzer”.

SCREENSHOT 48) mydesktop is the name of this computer under this Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS installation.
Clicking on it to get details.
SCREENSHOT 49) Disk Usage Analyzer 41.0

SCREENSHOT 50) The Disk Usage Analyzer is analyzing the mydesktop directories.