SCREENSHOT 91) Image Viewer settings for notifications and default handlers.
Types of files and links that this application opens like “.jpg”, “.svg”, “.png” and tc.
SCREENSHOT 92) Ubuntu Software application settings includes a lot more sections – permissions, access and notifications.
Most of the permissions are in ACCESS, READ, WRITE, CHANGE types.
SCREENSHOT 93) Connectivity – the first sub-section of the privacy section.
Connectivity checking is used to detect connection issues and helps you to stay online.
SCREENSHOT 94) The location share service – which application may have the ability to access user’s physical location.
By default, it is turned off.
SCREENSHOT 95) Thunderbolt privacy section.

SCREENSHOT 96) File history service keeps a record of files the user have used for a period of time.
Mainly used for e better searching. In this section, the time t keep the files in the trash, could be changed. By default, the files in the trash are kept 30 days.
SCREENSHOT 97) Screen Lock – automatically locking the screen when there is a period of user inactivity to prevent others from accessing this computer.

SCREENSHOT 98) Problem reporting – whether this service to send reports to Canonical on problems or not.
In general, it is better to send technical reports on errors, that’s way the future version of the Ubuntu maybe more stable and secure.
SCREENSHOT 99) Cloud and email services integrated in Ubuntu Desktop.
Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS supports Ubuntu Single, Google, Nextcloud, Microsoft, Flickr, Foursquare, Microsoft Exchange, IMAP and SMTP services, Kerberos and etc.
SCREENSHOT 100) Two types of sharing are available – media (share images and video) and remote desktop share.