After staring a new LXC container, the syslog program (Syslog-ng) began to throw thousands of errors with this kind of message: These messages were logged…
Author: neoX
Degraded ext4 performance with millions files because of high system time in ext4_mb_good_group (100% kworker/u32+flush)
A strange behavior has been monitored in a storage server holding more than 20 millions of files, which is not a really big figure, because…
nginx with SELinux and ngx_http_lua_module – PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API
The CentOS 8 (CentOS Stream 9, too) might prevent to successfully execute a Lua code in NGINX web server with the modules like ngx_http_lua_module because…
Software and technical details of Fedora Server 39 including cockpit screenshots
This article is for those of you who do not want to install a whole new operating system only to discover some technical details about…
Minimal network installation of Fedora 39 Server
This article will show the simple steps of installing a modern Linux Distribution Fedora 39 Server edition. Fedora line offers many bleeding-edge Linux technologies than…
List multiple connections with the same name using nmcli NetworkManager under CentOS
When using the NetworkManager it is possible to create multiple connections with the same name, which may result in confusion how to list them all…
Automatically start zram swap device on boot with systemd zram-generator under CentOS Stream 9
zram-generator package will install necessary tools to automate the creation on boot the compressed RAM devices. This article focuses on compressed swap devices. As of…
Pass-through the NVIDIA card in a LXC container
Pass-through the NVIDIA card to be used in the LXC container is simple enough and there are three simple rules to watch for: mount bind…
Recover MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage: Argument #2: Invalid options: primary (ArgumentError)
Recent version of MySQL 8 implemented more options to the rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage function! Definitely check the link’s manual above and most of the handy second options…
binutils and the error ld: unrecognized option ‘–no-dynamic-linker’
Yet another bites of an old bintuils installed in the system, which leads to an error and failed a building of glibc this time. The…