How to compile xmr-stak (2.4.5) under CentOS 7 for CPU mining cryptocurrencies

Thanks to xmr-stak we can have one application capable of mining many different cryptocurrencies based on different algorithms. XMR-STAK is GPU and CPU miner, here we present only the CPU ability. Here are the steps you should do to install (in fact install dependencies and compile the miner) and to begin CPU mining:

STEP 1) Update your system and install the following dependencies

Because xmr-stak need a newer version of GNU GCC than the CentOS ships with you must install GNU GCC 5.1 at least. Because the latest versions have better optimizations for the processors we use here GNU GCC 7 from Software Collection repository – more information for this repository here: How to install new gcc and development tools under CentOS 7

[myuser@srv ~]# sudo yum update -y
[myuser@srv ~]# sudo yum install -y centos-release-scl epel-release
[myuser@srv ~]# sudo yum install -y cmake3 devtoolset-7-gcc* hwloc-devel libmicrohttpd-devel openssl openssl-devel make git screen

STEP 2) Compile the mining program xmr-stak

[myuser@srv ~]# scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
[myuser@srv ~]# git clone
Cloning into 'xmr-stak'...
remote: Counting objects: 4926, done.
remote: Total 4926 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4926
Receiving objects: 100% (4926/4926), 1.45 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3512/3512), done.
[myuser@srv ~]# mkdir xmr-stak/build
[myuser@srv ~]# cd xmr-stak/build
[myuser@srv build]# export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
[myuser@srv build]# export CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
[myuser@srv build]# export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
[myuser@srv build]# export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"
[myuser@srv build]# cmake3 .. -DCUDA_ENABLE=OFF -DOpenCL_ENABLE=OFF
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib64/ (found version "1.0.2k") 
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/xmr-stak/build
[myuser@srv build]# make -j 8
Scanning dependencies of target xmr-stak-c
[  3%] Building C object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-c.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/c_jh.c.o
[ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-c.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/c_blake256.c.o
[ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-c.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/c_groestl.c.o
[ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-c.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/c_keccak.c.o
[ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-c.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/c_skein.c.o
[ 23%] Linking C static library bin/libxmr-stak-c.a
[ 23%] Built target xmr-stak-c
Scanning dependencies of target xmr-stak-backend
[ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/version.cpp.o
[ 30%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/jconf.cpp.o
[ 34%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/jconf.cpp.o
[ 38%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/minethd.cpp.o
[ 42%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/hwlocMemory.cpp.o
[ 46%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/backendConnector.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/cpu/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp.o
[ 53%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/backend/globalStates.cpp.o
[ 57%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/http/httpd.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/http/webdesign.cpp.o
[ 65%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/misc/console.cpp.o
[ 69%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/misc/executor.cpp.o
[ 73%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/misc/telemetry.cpp.o
[ 76%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/misc/uac.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/misc/utility.cpp.o
[ 84%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/net/jpsock.cpp.o
[ 88%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak-backend.dir/xmrstak/net/socket.cpp.o
[ 92%] Linking CXX static library bin/libxmr-stak-backend.a
[ 92%] Built target xmr-stak-backend
Scanning dependencies of target xmr-stak
[ 96%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/xmr-stak.dir/xmrstak/cli/cli-miner.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable bin/xmr-stak
[100%] Built target xmr-stak
[root@srv build]#

Execute the program to see if everything is OK. With the help output you can see how many algorithms are supported as of version 2.4.5 of xmr-stak.

[myuser@srv bin]# cd bin
[myuser@srv bin]# ./xmr-stak --help
Usage: xmr-stak [OPTION]...
  -h, --help                 show this help
  -v, --version              show version number
  -V, --version-long         show long version number
  -c, --config FILE          common miner configuration file
  -C, --poolconf FILE        pool configuration file
  --benchmark BLOCKVERSION   ONLY do a benchmark and exit
  --benchwait WAIT_SEC             ... benchmark wait time
  --benchwork WORK_SEC             ... benchmark work time
  --noCPU                    disable the CPU miner backend
  --cpu FILE                 CPU backend miner config file
  -i --httpd HTTP_PORT       HTTP interface port
The following options can be used for automatic start without a guided config,
If config exists then this pool will be top priority.
  -o, --url URL              pool url and port, e.g.
  -O, --tls-url URL          TLS pool url and port, e.g.
  -u, --user USERNAME        pool user name or wallet address
  -r, --rigid RIGID          rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  -p, --pass PASSWD          pool password, in the most cases x or empty ""
  --use-nicehash             the pool should run in nicehash mode
  --currency NAME            currency to mine

Supported coin options: 
        - aeon7
        - bbscoin
        - croat
        - cryptonight
        - cryptonight_masari
        - cryptonight_haven
        - cryptonight_heavy
        - cryptonight_lite
        - cryptonight_lite_v7
        - cryptonight_lite_v7_xor
        - cryptonight_v7
        - cryptonight_v7_stellite
        - edollar
        - electroneum
        - graft
        - haven
        - intense
        - ipbc
        - karbo
        - masari
        - monero7
        - stellite
        - sumokoin
        - turtlecoin

Version: xmr-stak 2.4.5 b3f79de
Brought to by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3.

Electroneum CPU mining with XMR-STAK

Using Cryptonote V7 Variant 1 (aka. “monerov7″/”cryptonight_v7”) algorithm. First run.
Couple of important questions to answer:

  • Please enter the currency that you want to mine: cryptonight_v7
  • Username (wallet address or pool login): etnk111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 – this is your address, put here your real public wallet address, DO NOT PUT THIS FALSE ADDRESS
  • Pool address: – the pool address to use, we use pool
  • Username (wallet address or pool login): your email address
[myuser@srv bin]# sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=128
vm.nr_hugepages = 128
[myuser@srv bin]# ./xmr-stak 
Please enter:
- Do you want to use the HTTP interface?
Unlike the screen display, the browser interface is not affected by the GPU lag.
If you don't want to use it, please enter 0, otherwise enter port number that the miner should listen on
Configuration stored in file 'config.txt'
Please enter:
- Please enter the currency that you want to mine: 
        - aeon7
        - bbscoin
        - croat
        - cryptonight
        - cryptonight_masari
        - cryptonight_haven
        - cryptonight_heavy
        - cryptonight_lite
        - cryptonight_lite_v7
        - cryptonight_lite_v7_xor
        - cryptonight_v7
        - cryptonight_v7_stellite
        - edollar
        - electroneum
        - graft
        - haven
        - intense
        - ipbc
        - karbo
        - masari
        - monero7
        - stellite
        - sumokoin
        - turtlecoin

- Pool address: e.g.
- Username (wallet address or pool login):
- Password (mostly empty or x):
- Rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support). Can be empty:

- Does this pool port support TLS/SSL? Use no if unknown. (y/N)
- Do you want to use nicehash on this pool? (y/n)
- Do you want to use multiple pools? (y/n)
Pool configuration stored in file 'pools.txt'
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
xmr-stak 2.4.5 b3f79de

Brought to you by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3.
Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by fireice_uk).

Configurable dev donation level is set to 2.0%

You can use following keys to display reports:
'h' - hashrate
'r' - results
'c' - connection
xmr-stak 2.4.5 b3f79de

Brought to you by fireice_uk and psychocrypt under GPLv3.
Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by fireice_uk).

Configurable dev donation level is set to 2.0%

You can use following keys to display reports:
'h' - hashrate
'r' - results
'c' - connection
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Mining coin: cryptonight_v7
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 0.
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : hwloc: can't bind memory
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 1.
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : hwloc: can't bind memory
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 2.
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : hwloc: can't bind memory
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 3.
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : hwloc: can't bind memory
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Fast-connecting to pool ...
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mlock failed
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Pool connected. Logging in...
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Difficulty changed. Now: 50000.
[2018-06-28 01:30:14] : Pool logged in.
[2018-06-28 01:30:35] : Result accepted by the pool.
[2018-06-28 01:30:43] : Difficulty changed. Now: 35714.
[2018-06-28 01:30:43] : New block detected.
[2018-06-28 01:31:13] : Difficulty changed. Now: 25000.
[2018-06-28 01:31:13] : New block detected.
[2018-06-28 01:31:43] : Difficulty changed. Now: 17500.
[2018-06-28 01:31:43] : New block detected.
[2018-06-28 01:32:13] : Difficulty changed. Now: 12250.
[2018-06-28 01:32:13] : New block detected.
| ID |    10s |    60s |    15m | ID |    10s |    60s |    15m |
|  0 |   67.5 |   64.9 |   (na) |  1 |   68.3 |   67.7 |   (na) |
|  2 |   69.1 |   67.9 |   (na) |  3 |   66.4 |   65.3 |   (na) |
Totals (CPU):   271.3  265.8    0.0 H/s
Totals (ALL):    271.3  265.8    0.0 H/s
Highest:   274.7 H/s
Difficulty       : 3845
Good results     : 49 / 49 (100.0 %)
Avg result time  : 16.3 sec
Pool-side hashes : 223158

Top 10 best results found:
|  0 |           298785 |  1 |           231734 |
|  2 |           176492 |  3 |            82592 |
|  4 |            50284 |  5 |            49914 |
|  6 |            28493 |  7 |            22570 |
|  8 |            18460 |  9 |            17889 |

Error details:
Yay! No errors.

the processor is “Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1231 v3 @ 3.40GHz” and the hash power is 274.7 H/s.

Use Intel QuickSync with ffmpeg to have hardware accelerated video decoding and encoding – CentOS 7.4.1708

This howto shows how you can use ffmpeg to hardware accelerate the video decoding and encoding if you have the proper Intel processor. Some of the Intel processors have GPU unit in them, which can be used to decode and encode video streams and it is pretty fast! High end Intel CPU could encode around 20 h264 (using faster preset) video streams on a single processor mini server as SUPERMICRO system using X11SSV-M4F.
Here are the steps how to enable the hardware options and what and how to install the software to hardware encode a video stream successful under linux – CentOS 7 distro.

For the first four steps just follow the howto “Install Intel Media Studio SDK and GPU driver from Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 – CentOS 7 (7.4.1708)” Here we include only the headers of the steps, because they are important part of this howto.
Installing Media Server Studio your system will get validated stack of software by Intel to build application against Media SDK interface:

  • libmfx.a dispatcher – the API for your application
  • hardware implementation
  • related libraries (including OpenCL)
  • specific versions for libva and libdrm
  • user mode driver
  • modified i915 graphics driver module
  • kernel patches

Here are the steps:

STEP 1) Enable internal graphics in your system.

We have an article on the topic – Enable internal graphics in SUPERMICRO servers

STEP 2) Install the right CentOS 7 – 7.4.1708

We have an article on the topic – Howto do a netinstall of CentOS 7 (7.4.1708) – minimal server installation

STEP 3) Download Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1

We have an article on the topic – Download, what is in the package Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 and which Linux distro it supports

STEP 4) Install Intel Media Studio SDK from Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1

“Install Intel Media Studio SDK and GPU driver from Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 – CentOS 7 (7.4.1708)”

STEP 5) Tune pkgconfig libmfx (Intel library, installed with the Media Server Studio)

Create a file:


with the following content:

Name: libmfx
Description: Intel Media SDK
Version: 16.8
Libs: -L${libdir} -lmfx -lva -lstdc++ -ldl -lva-drm -ldrm
Cflags: -I${includedir} -I/usr/include/libdrm

STEP 6) Move the Media SDK include files in a mfx sub-directory

This is required because ffmpeg expect these files to be in a sub-directory

[root@srv ~]# mkdir /opt/intel/mediasdk/include/mfx
[root@srv ~]# cp /opt/intel/mediasdk/include/*.h /opt/intel/mediasdk/include/mfx/

STEP 7) Install yasm – a dependency for the ffmpeg software.

[root@srv ~]# wget
[root@srv ~]# tar xzf yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz
[root@srv ~]# cd yasm-1.3.0
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# export CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# make -j8
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o genperf.o `test -f tools/genperf/genperf.c || echo './'`tools/genperf/genperf.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o gp-perfect.o `test -f tools/genperf/perfect.c || echo './'`tools/genperf/perfect.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o gp-phash.o `test -f libyasm/phash.c || echo './'`libyasm/phash.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o gp-xmalloc.o `test -f libyasm/xmalloc.c || echo './'`libyasm/xmalloc.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o gp-xstrdup.o `test -f libyasm/xstrdup.c || echo './'`libyasm/xstrdup.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o re2c-main.o `test -f tools/re2c/main.c || echo './'`tools/re2c/main.c
gcc -std=gnu99  -I.  \
  -c -o re2c-code.o `test -f tools/re2c/code.c || echo './'`tools/re2c/code.c
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# make install
make  install-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/yasm-1.3.0'
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]#
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# ldconfig
[root@srv yasm-1.3.0]# cd ../
[root@srv ~]#

STEP 8) Download ffmpeg version 2.8.X and compile it

it is important to use this branch 2.8.X because we’ve tested with the others 3.2.X, 3.3.X, 3.4.X and there were errors and we unable to use the the GPU unit to accelerate our video decoding and encoding. Here is the different ffmpeg release or you can use the github to download

[root@srv ~]# wget
[root@srv ~]# tar xjf ffmpeg-2.8.14.tar.bz2
[root@srv ~]# cd ffmpeg-2.8.14
[root@srv ffmpeg-2.8.14]# export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
[root@srv ffmpeg-2.8.14]# export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
[root@srv ffmpeg-2.8.14]# export CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
[root@srv ffmpeg-2.8.14]# export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"
[root@srv ffmpeg-2.8.14]# ./configure --enable-libmfx --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv
install prefix            /usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv
source path               .
C compiler                gcc
C library                 glibc
ARCH                      x86 (generic)
big-endian                no
runtime cpu detection     yes
yasm                      yes
MMX enabled               yes
MMXEXT enabled            yes
3DNow! enabled            yes
3DNow! extended enabled   yes
SSE enabled               yes
SSSE3 enabled             yes
AVX enabled               yes
XOP enabled               yes
FMA3 enabled              yes
FMA4 enabled              yes
i686 features enabled     yes
CMOV is fast              yes
EBX available             yes
EBP available             yes
debug symbols             yes
strip symbols             yes
optimize for size         no
optimizations             yes
static                    yes
shared                    no
postprocessing support    no
new filter support        yes
network support           yes
threading support         pthreads
safe bitstream reader     yes
SDL support               no
opencl enabled            no
texi2html enabled         no
perl enabled              yes
pod2man enabled           yes
makeinfo enabled          no
makeinfo supports HTML    no

Enabled programs:
ffmpeg                  ffprobe                 ffserver

External libraries:
iconv                   lzma                    zlib

Enabled decoders:
aac                     ayuv                    frwu
aac_fixed               bethsoftvid             g2m
aac_latm                bfi                     g723_1
aasc                    bink                    g729
ac3                     binkaudio_dct           gif
ac3_fixed               binkaudio_rdft          gsm
adpcm_4xm               bintext                 gsm_ms
adpcm_adx               bmp                     h261
adpcm_afc               bmv_audio               h263
adpcm_ct                bmv_video               h263i
adpcm_dtk               brender_pix             h263p
adpcm_ea                c93                     h264
adpcm_ea_maxis_xa       cavs                    h264_qsv
adpcm_ea_r1             ccaption                hap
adpcm_ea_r2             cdgraphics              hevc
adpcm_ea_r3             cdxl                    hevc_qsv
adpcm_ea_xas            cinepak                 hnm4_video
adpcm_g722              cljr                    hq_hqa
adpcm_g726              cllc                    hqx
adpcm_g726le            comfortnoise            huffyuv
adpcm_ima_amv           cook                    iac
adpcm_ima_apc           cpia                    idcin
adpcm_ima_dk3           cscd                    idf
adpcm_ima_dk4           cyuv                    iff_byterun1
adpcm_ima_ea_eacs       dca                     iff_ilbm
adpcm_ima_ea_sead       dds                     imc
adpcm_ima_iss           dfa                     indeo2
adpcm_ima_oki           dirac                   indeo3
adpcm_ima_qt            dnxhd                   indeo4
adpcm_ima_rad           dpx                     indeo5
adpcm_ima_smjpeg        dsd_lsbf                interplay_dpcm
adpcm_ima_wav           dsd_lsbf_planar         interplay_video
adpcm_ima_ws            dsd_msbf                jacosub
adpcm_ms                dsd_msbf_planar         jpeg2000
adpcm_sbpro_2           dsicinaudio             jpegls
adpcm_sbpro_3           dsicinvideo             jv
adpcm_sbpro_4           dss_sp                  kgv1
adpcm_swf               dvbsub                  kmvc
adpcm_thp               dvdsub                  lagarith
adpcm_thp_le            dvvideo                 loco
adpcm_vima              dxa                     mace3
adpcm_xa                dxtory                  mace6
adpcm_yamaha            eac3                    mdec
aic                     eacmv                   metasound
alac                    eamad                   microdvd
alias_pix               eatgq                   mimic
als                     eatgv                   mjpeg
amrnb                   eatqi                   mjpegb
amrwb                   eightbps                mlp
amv                     eightsvx_exp            mmvideo
anm                     eightsvx_fib            motionpixels
ansi                    escape124               movtext
ape                     escape130               mp1
apng                    evrc                    mp1float
ass                     exr                     mp2
asv1                    ffv1                    mp2float
asv2                    ffvhuff                 mp3
atrac1                  ffwavesynth             mp3adu
atrac3                  fic                     mp3adufloat
atrac3p                 flac                    mp3float
aura                    flashsv                 mp3on4
aura2                   flashsv2                mp3on4float
avrn                    flic                    mpc7
avrp                    flv                     mpc8
avs                     fourxm                  mpeg1video
avui                    fraps                   mpeg2_qsv
mpeg2video              prores                  tscc2
mpeg4                   prores_lgpl             tta
mpegvideo               ptx                     twinvq
mpl2                    qcelp                   txd
msa1                    qdm2                    ulti
msmpeg4v1               qdraw                   utvideo
msmpeg4v2               qpeg                    v210
msmpeg4v3               qtrle                   v210x
msrle                   r10k                    v308
mss1                    r210                    v408
mss2                    ra_144                  v410
msvideo1                ra_288                  vb
mszh                    ralf                    vble
mts2                    rawvideo                vc1
mvc1                    realtext                vc1_qsv
mvc2                    rl2                     vc1image
mxpeg                   roq                     vcr1
nellymoser              roq_dpcm                vima
nuv                     rpza                    vmdaudio
on2avc                  rv10                    vmdvideo
opus                    rv20                    vmnc
paf_audio               rv30                    vorbis
paf_video               rv40                    vp3
pam                     s302m                   vp5
pbm                     sami                    vp6
pcm_alaw                sanm                    vp6a
pcm_bluray              sgi                     vp6f
pcm_dvd                 sgirle                  vp7
pcm_f32be               shorten                 vp8
pcm_f32le               sipr                    vp9
pcm_f64be               smackaud                vplayer
pcm_f64le               smacker                 vqa
pcm_lxf                 smc                     wavpack
pcm_mulaw               smvjpeg                 webp
pcm_s16be               snow                    webvtt
pcm_s16be_planar        sol_dpcm                wmalossless
pcm_s16le               sonic                   wmapro
pcm_s16le_planar        sp5x                    wmav1
pcm_s24be               srt                     wmav2
pcm_s24daud             ssa                     wmavoice
pcm_s24le               stl                     wmv1
pcm_s24le_planar        subrip                  wmv2
pcm_s32be               subviewer               wmv3
pcm_s32le               subviewer1              wmv3image
pcm_s32le_planar        sunrast                 wnv1
pcm_s8                  svq1                    ws_snd1
pcm_s8_planar           svq3                    xan_dpcm
pcm_u16be               tak                     xan_wc3
pcm_u16le               targa                   xan_wc4
pcm_u24be               targa_y216              xbin
pcm_u24le               tdsc                    xbm
pcm_u32be               text                    xface
pcm_u32le               theora                  xl
pcm_u8                  thp                     xsub
pcm_zork                tiertexseqvideo         xwd
pcx                     tiff                    y41p
pgm                     tmv                     yop
pgmyuv                  truehd                  yuv4
pgssub                  truemotion1             zero12v
pictor                  truemotion2             zerocodec
pjs                     truespeech              zlib
png                     tscc                    zmbv

Enabled encoders:
a64multi                huffyuv                 png
a64multi5               jpeg2000                ppm
aac                     jpegls                  prores
ac3                     ljpeg                   prores_aw
ac3_fixed               mjpeg                   prores_ks
adpcm_adx               movtext                 qtrle
adpcm_g722              mp2                     r10k
adpcm_g726              mp2fixed                r210
adpcm_ima_qt            mpeg1video              ra_144
adpcm_ima_wav           mpeg2_qsv               rawvideo
adpcm_ms                mpeg2video              roq
adpcm_swf               mpeg4                   roq_dpcm
adpcm_yamaha            msmpeg4v2               rv10
alac                    msmpeg4v3               rv20
alias_pix               msvideo1                s302m
amv                     nellymoser              sgi
apng                    pam                     snow
ass                     pbm                     sonic
asv1                    pcm_alaw                sonic_ls
asv2                    pcm_f32be               srt
avrp                    pcm_f32le               ssa
avui                    pcm_f64be               subrip
ayuv                    pcm_f64le               sunrast
bmp                     pcm_mulaw               svq1
cinepak                 pcm_s16be               targa
cljr                    pcm_s16be_planar        tiff
comfortnoise            pcm_s16le               tta
dca                     pcm_s16le_planar        utvideo
dnxhd                   pcm_s24be               v210
dpx                     pcm_s24daud             v308
dvbsub                  pcm_s24le               v408
dvdsub                  pcm_s24le_planar        v410
dvvideo                 pcm_s32be               vorbis
eac3                    pcm_s32le               wavpack
ffv1                    pcm_s32le_planar        webvtt
ffvhuff                 pcm_s8                  wmav1
flac                    pcm_s8_planar           wmav2
flashsv                 pcm_u16be               wmv1
flashsv2                pcm_u16le               wmv2
flv                     pcm_u24be               xbm
g723_1                  pcm_u24le               xface
gif                     pcm_u32be               xsub
h261                    pcm_u32le               xwd
h263                    pcm_u8                  y41p
h263p                   pcx                     yuv4
h264_qsv                pgm                     zlib
hevc_qsv                pgmyuv                  zmbv

Enabled hwaccels:
h263_vaapi              hevc_vaapi              vc1_qsv
h264_qsv                mpeg2_qsv               vc1_vaapi
h264_vaapi              mpeg2_vaapi             wmv3_vaapi
hevc_qsv                mpeg4_vaapi

Enabled parsers:
aac                     dvdsub                  mpegvideo
aac_latm                flac                    opus
ac3                     g729                    png
adx                     gsm                     pnm
bmp                     h261                    rv30
cavsvideo               h263                    rv40
cook                    h264                    tak
dca                     hevc                    vc1
dirac                   mjpeg                   vorbis
dnxhd                   mlp                     vp3
dpx                     mpeg4video              vp8
dvbsub                  mpegaudio               vp9

Enabled demuxers:
aa                      g723_1                  mpjpeg
aac                     g729                    mpl2
ac3                     gif                     mpsub
act                     gsm                     msnwc_tcp
adf                     gxf                     mtv
adp                     h261                    mv
adx                     h263                    mvi
aea                     h264                    mxf
afc                     hevc                    mxg
aiff                    hls                     nc
amr                     hnm                     nistsphere
anm                     ico                     nsv
apc                     idcin                   nut
ape                     idf                     nuv
apng                    iff                     ogg
aqtitle                 ilbc                    oma
asf                     image2                  paf
asf_o                   image2_alias_pix        pcm_alaw
ass                     image2_brender_pix      pcm_f32be
ast                     image2pipe              pcm_f32le
au                      image_bmp_pipe          pcm_f64be
avi                     image_dds_pipe          pcm_f64le
avr                     image_dpx_pipe          pcm_mulaw
avs                     image_exr_pipe          pcm_s16be
bethsoftvid             image_j2k_pipe          pcm_s16le
bfi                     image_jpeg_pipe         pcm_s24be
bfstm                   image_jpegls_pipe       pcm_s24le
bink                    image_pictor_pipe       pcm_s32be
bintext                 image_png_pipe          pcm_s32le
bit                     image_qdraw_pipe        pcm_s8
bmv                     image_sgi_pipe          pcm_u16be
boa                     image_sunrast_pipe      pcm_u16le
brstm                   image_tiff_pipe         pcm_u24be
c93                     image_webp_pipe         pcm_u24le
caf                     ingenient               pcm_u32be
cavsvideo               ipmovie                 pcm_u32le
cdg                     ircam                   pcm_u8
cdxl                    iss                     pjs
cine                    iv8                     pmp
concat                  ivf                     pva
data                    jacosub                 pvf
daud                    jv                      qcp
dfa                     latm                    r3d
dirac                   live_flv                rawvideo
dnxhd                   lmlm4                   realtext
dsf                     loas                    redspark
dsicin                  lrc                     rl2
dss                     lvf                     rm
dts                     lxf                     roq
dtshd                   m4v                     rpl
dv                      matroska                rsd
dvbsub                  mgsts                   rso
dxa                     microdvd                rtp
ea                      mjpeg                   rtsp
ea_cdata                mlp                     sami
eac3                    mlv                     sap
epaf                    mm                      sbg
ffm                     mmf                     sdp
ffmetadata              mov                     sdr2
filmstrip               mp3                     segafilm
flac                    mpc                     shorten
flic                    mpc8                    siff
flv                     mpegps                  sln
fourxm                  mpegts                  smacker
frm                     mpegtsraw               smjpeg
g722                    mpegvideo               smush
sol                     tmv                     wav
sox                     truehd                  wc3
spdif                   tta                     webm_dash_manifest
srt                     tty                     webvtt
stl                     txd                     wsaud
str                     vc1                     wsvqa
subviewer               vc1t                    wtv
subviewer1              vivo                    wv
sup                     vmd                     xa
swf                     vobsub                  xbin
tak                     voc                     xmv
tedcaptions             vplayer                 xwma
thp                     vqf                     yop
tiertexseq              w64                     yuv4mpegpipe

Enabled muxers:
a64                     ipod                    pcm_s32be
ac3                     ircam                   pcm_s32le
adts                    ismv                    pcm_s8
adx                     ivf                     pcm_u16be
aiff                    jacosub                 pcm_u16le
amr                     latm                    pcm_u24be
apng                    lrc                     pcm_u24le
asf                     m4v                     pcm_u32be
asf_stream              matroska                pcm_u32le
ass                     matroska_audio          pcm_u8
ast                     md5                     psp
au                      microdvd                rawvideo
avi                     mjpeg                   rm
avm2                    mkvtimestamp_v2         roq
bit                     mlp                     rso
caf                     mmf                     rtp
cavsvideo               mov                     rtp_mpegts
crc                     mp2                     rtsp
dash                    mp3                     sap
data                    mp4                     segment
daud                    mpeg1system             singlejpeg
dirac                   mpeg1vcd                smjpeg
dnxhd                   mpeg1video              smoothstreaming
dts                     mpeg2dvd                sox
dv                      mpeg2svcd               spdif
eac3                    mpeg2video              spx
f4v                     mpeg2vob                srt
ffm                     mpegts                  stream_segment
ffmetadata              mpjpeg                  swf
filmstrip               mxf                     tee
flac                    mxf_d10                 tg2
flv                     mxf_opatom              tgp
framecrc                null                    truehd
framemd5                nut                     uncodedframecrc
g722                    oga                     vc1
g723_1                  ogg                     vc1t
gif                     oma                     voc
gxf                     opus                    w64
h261                    pcm_alaw                wav
h263                    pcm_f32be               webm
h264                    pcm_f32le               webm_chunk
hds                     pcm_f64be               webm_dash_manifest
hevc                    pcm_f64le               webp
hls                     pcm_mulaw               webvtt
ico                     pcm_s16be               wtv
ilbc                    pcm_s16le               wv
image2                  pcm_s24be               yuv4mpegpipe
image2pipe              pcm_s24le

Enabled protocols:
async                   hls                     rtmpt
cache                   http                    rtp
concat                  httpproxy               srtp
crypto                  icecast                 subfile
data                    md5                     tcp
ffrtmphttp              mmsh                    udp
file                    mmst                    udplite
ftp                     pipe                    unix
gopher                  rtmp

Enabled filters:
acrossfade              dctdnoiz                paletteuse
adelay                  deband                  pan
adrawgraph              decimate                perms
aecho                   deflate                 pixdesctest
aeval                   dejudder                psnr
aevalsrc                deshake                 qp
afade                   detelecine              random
aformat                 dilation                removegrain
ainterleave             drawbox                 removelogo
allpass                 drawgraph               replaygain
allrgb                  drawgrid                reverse
allyuv                  dynaudnorm              rgbtestsrc
alphaextract            earwax                  rotate
alphamerge              edgedetect              scale
amerge                  elbg                    scale2ref
amix                    equalizer               select
amovie                  erosion                 sendcmd
anull                   extractplanes           separatefields
anullsink               fade                    setdar
anullsrc                fftfilt                 setfield
apad                    field                   setpts
aperms                  fieldmatch              setsar
aphasemeter             fieldorder              settb
aphaser                 flanger                 showcqt
aresample               format                  showfreqs
areverse                fps                     showinfo
aselect                 framepack               showpalette
asendcmd                framerate               showspectrum
asetnsamples            framestep               showvolume
asetpts                 gradfun                 showwaves
asetrate                haldclut                showwavespic
asettb                  haldclutsrc             shuffleplanes
ashowinfo               hflip                   sidechaincompress
asplit                  highpass                signalstats
astats                  histogram               silencedetect
astreamsync             hqx                     silenceremove
atadenoise              hstack                  sine
atempo                  hue                     smptebars
atrim                   idet                    smptehdbars
avectorscope            il                      split
bandpass                inflate                 ssim
bandreject              interleave              swapuv
bass                    join                    tblend
bbox                    lenscorrection          telecine
biquad                  life                    testsrc
blackdetect             lowpass                 thumbnail
blend                   lut                     tile
cellauto                lut3d                   transpose
channelmap              lutrgb                  treble
channelsplit            lutyuv                  trim
chorus                  mandelbrot              unsharp
codecview               mergeplanes             vectorscope
color                   movie                   vflip
colorbalance            negate                  vignette
colorchannelmixer       noformat                volume
colorkey                noise                   volumedetect
colorlevels             null                    vstack
compand                 nullsink                w3fdif
concat                  nullsrc                 waveform
copy                    overlay                 xbr
crop                    pad                     yadif
curves                  palettegen              zoompan

Enabled bsfs:
aac_adtstoasc           imx_dump_header         mpeg4_unpack_bframes
chomp                   mjpeg2jpeg              noise
dump_extradata          mjpega_dump_header      remove_extradata
h264_mp4toannexb        mov2textsub             text2movsub
hevc_mp4toannexb        mp3_header_decompress

Enabled indevs:
dv1394                  lavfi                   v4l2
fbdev                   oss

Enabled outdevs:
fbdev                   oss                     v4l2

License: LGPL version 2.1 or later
Creating config.mak, config.h, and doc/config.texi...
[root@conv11 ffmpeg-2.8.14]# make -j 8
CC      libavdevice/oss.o
CC      libavdevice/alldevices.o
CC      libavdevice/avdevice.o
CC      libavdevice/lavfi.o
CC      libavdevice/dv1394.o
LD      ffmpeg_g
LD      ffprobe_g
LD      ffserver_g
CP      ffserver
STRIP   ffserver
CP      ffprobe
CP      ffmpeg
STRIP   ffprobe
STRIP   ffmpeg
[root@conv11 ffmpeg-2.8.14]# make install
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg.1
INSTALL doc/ffprobe.1
INSTALL doc/ffserver.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-all.1
INSTALL libavutil/tea.h
INSTALL libavutil/lzo.h
INSTALL libavutil/avconfig.h
INSTALL libavutil/ffversion.h
INSTALL libavutil/libavutil.pc
[root@conv11 ffmpeg-2.8.14]#

And now you have a ffmpeg installation build against Intel API libmfx dispatcher, which could benefit from the hardware acceleration in decoding and encoding video streams. Thus using a Intel QuickSync technology.

STEP 9) ffmpeg example – how to use the GPU hardware decoding and encoding

[root@conv11 ffmpeg-2.8.14]# cd
[root@conv11 ~]# wget
[root@conv11 ~]# /usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv/bin/ffmpeg -vcodec h264_qsv -i bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_stereo_abl.mp4 -vcodec h264_qsv -b:v 600k -maxrate 1200K -s 1280x720 -aspect 16:9 -preset medium -maxrate 500K -g 50 -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a 96k -ar 44100 -f mpegts -threads 0 output.mp4
ffmpeg version 2.8.14 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 4.8.5 (GCC) 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
  configuration: --enable-libmfx --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_stereo_abl.mp4':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 1
    compatible_brands: isomavc1
    creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:30
    title           : Big Buck Bunny, Sunflower version
    artist          : Blender Foundation 2008, Janus Bager Kristensen 2013
    comment         : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 -
    genre           : Animation
    composer        : Sacha Goedegebure
  Duration: 00:10:34.53, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 6490 kb/s
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), nv12, 1920x2160, 6005 kb/s, 60 fps, 60 tbr, 60k tbn, 60k tbc (default)
      creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:30
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Video Handler
    Stream #0:1(und): Audio: mp3 (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16p, 160 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:37
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
    Stream #0:2(und): Audio: ac3 (ac-3 / 0x332D6361), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 320 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:37
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
    Side data:
      audio service type: main
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Output #0, mpegts, to 'output.mp4':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 1
    compatible_brands: isomavc1
    composer        : Sacha Goedegebure
    title           : Big Buck Bunny, Sunflower version
    artist          : Blender Foundation 2008, Janus Bager Kristensen 2013
    comment         : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 -
    genre           : Animation
    encoder         : Lavf56.40.101
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (h264_qsv), nv12, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 600 kb/s, 60 fps, 90k tbn, 60 tbc (default)
      creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:30
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Video Handler
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 h264_qsv
    Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 96 kb/s (default)
      creation_time   : 2013-12-16 18:03:37
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 aac
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (h264_qsv) -> h264 (h264_qsv))
  Stream #0:2 -> #0:1 (ac3 (native) -> aac (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[h264_qsv @ 0x3587360] A decode call did not consume any dataitrate=1162.5kbits/s    
    Last message repeated 14 times
frame=38072 fps=126 q=-0.0 Lsize=   90023kB time=00:10:34.48 bitrate=1162.3kbits/s    
video:71572kB audio:7436kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 13.942102%
[root@conv11 ~]# /usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv/bin/ffmpeg -i output.mp4
ffmpeg version 2.8.14 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 4.8.5 (GCC) 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
  configuration: --enable-libmfx --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
Input #0, mpegts, from 'output.mp4':
  Duration: 00:10:34.57, start: 1.400000, bitrate: 1162 kb/s
  Program 1 
      service_name    : Big Buck Bunny, Sunflower version
      service_provider: FFmpeg
    Stream #0:0[0x100]: Video: h264 (High) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 60 fps, 60 tbr, 90k tbn, 120 tbc
    Stream #0:1[0x101](und): Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 44100 Hz, 5.1, fltp, 100 kb/s

You can see ffmpeg is using VA-API and /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/ for video acceleration encoding.

* Live stream decoding and encoding with hardware acceleration and outputting multiple output

The input stream is from a multicast source and the output is a wowza server

/usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv/bin/ffmpeg -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://' -filter_complex '[0:v]yadif=1:0:0,split=3[v1][v2][v3];[v1]scale=1280:720,framerate=50[out1];[v2]scale=960:540,framerate=25[out2];[v3]scale=640:360,framerate=25[out3]' -map '[out1]' -map '[out2]' -map '[out3]' -map 0:a -streamid 0:0x151 -streamid 1:0x150 -streamid 2:0x149 -streamid 3:0x140 -vcodec h264_qsv -preset medium -maxrate:0 1900K -bufsize:0 2400K -b:v:0 1500k -maxrate:1 1200K -bufsize:1 1000K -b:v:1 1000k -maxrate:2 900K -bufsize:2 1000K -b:v:2 600k -g 50 -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a 96k -ar 44100 -reorder_queue_size 32 -threads 8 -fflags +igndts -copyts -f mpegts 'udp://'
ffmpeg version 2.8.14 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 4.8.5 (GCC) 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
  configuration: --enable-libmfx --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg-qsv3
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
[h264_qsv @ 0x21e6960] non-existing PPS 0 referenced
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
    Last message repeated 1 times
Input #0, mpegts, from 'udp://':
  Duration: N/A, start: 1375.213422, bitrate: N/A
  Program 74 
      service_name    : Test 1 HD
      service_provider: Test
    Stream #0:0[0x734]: Video: h264 (High) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), nv12, 1920x1080, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 90k tbc
    Stream #0:1[0x744]: Audio: mp2 ([3][0][0][0] / 0x0003), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16p, 256 kb/s
[Parsed_framerate_7 @ 0x2413620] time base:1/180000 -> 1/180000 exact:1
[Parsed_framerate_7 @ 0x2413620] fps -> fps:25/1 scene score:7.000000 interpolate start:15 end:240
[Parsed_framerate_5 @ 0x2438d20] time base:1/180000 -> 1/180000 exact:1
[Parsed_framerate_5 @ 0x2438d20] fps -> fps:25/1 scene score:7.000000 interpolate start:15 end:240
[Parsed_framerate_3 @ 0x2934640] time base:1/180000 -> 1/180000 exact:1
[Parsed_framerate_3 @ 0x2934640] fps -> fps:50/1 scene score:7.000000 interpolate start:15 end:240
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Output #0, mpegts, to 'udp://':
    encoder         : Lavf56.40.101
    Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (h264_qsv), nv12, 1280x720, q=2-31, 1500 kb/s, 50 fps, 90k tbn, 50 tbc
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 h264_qsv
    Stream #0:1: Video: h264 (h264_qsv), nv12, 960x540, q=2-31, 1000 kb/s, 25 fps, 90k tbn, 25 tbc
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 h264_qsv
    Stream #0:2: Video: h264 (h264_qsv), nv12, 640x360, q=2-31, 600 kb/s, 25 fps, 90k tbn, 25 tbc
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 h264_qsv
    Stream #0:3: Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 96 kb/s
      encoder         : Lavc56.60.100 aac
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 (h264_qsv) -> yadif (graph 0)
  framerate (graph 0) -> Stream #0:0 (h264_qsv)
  framerate (graph 0) -> Stream #0:1 (h264_qsv)
  framerate (graph 0) -> Stream #0:2 (h264_qsv)
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:3 (mp2 (native) -> aac (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[h264_qsv @ 0x21ea740] A decode call did not consume any data=00:23:14.04 bitrate=  46.6kbits/s    
frame=  937 fps= 59 q=-0.0 Lq=-0.0 q=-0.0 size=    8267kB time=00:23:14.57 bitrate=  48.6kbits/s    
video:7225kB audio:228kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 10.923792%

* Troubleshooting

If you get a build error like this, you skipped the (STEP 6) Move the Media SDK include files in a mfx sub-directory. This is required because ffmpeg expect these files to be in a sub-directory. Just move the files in a sub-directory mfx as it is shown in (STEP 6)

gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack -o /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.o -lm -ldl -llzma -lz -pthread -pthread
use_pkg_config libmfx libmfx mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit
check_pkg_config libmfx libmfx mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit
pkg-config --exists --print-errors libmfx
check_func_headers mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit -I/opt/intel/mediasdk/include -I/usr/include/libdrm -L/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/lin_x64 -lmfx -lva -lstdc++ -ldl -lva-drm -ldrm
check_ld cc -I/opt/intel/mediasdk/include -I/usr/include/libdrm -L/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/lin_x64 -lmfx -lva -lstdc++ -ldl -lva-drm -ldrm
check_cc -I/opt/intel/mediasdk/include -I/usr/include/libdrm -L/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/lin_x64
BEGIN /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
    1   #include <mfx/mfxvideo.h>
    2   #include <stdint.h>
    3   long check_MFXInit(void) { return (long) MFXInit; }
    4   int main(void) { int ret = 0;
    5    ret |= ((intptr_t)check_MFXInit) & 0xFFFF;
    6   return ret; }
END /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
gcc -D_ISOC99_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O2 -march=native -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -I/opt/intel/mediasdk/include -I/usr/include/libdrm -L/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/lin_x64 -c -o /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.o /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
/tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c:1:26: fatal error: mfx/mfxvideo.h: No such file or directory
 #include <mfx/mfxvideo.h>
compilation terminated.
require libmfx mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit -llibmfx
check_lib libmfx mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit -llibmfx
check_func_headers mfx/mfxvideo.h MFXInit -llibmfx
check_ld cc -llibmfx
BEGIN /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
    1   #include <mfx/mfxvideo.h>
    2   #include <stdint.h>
    3   long check_MFXInit(void) { return (long) MFXInit; }
    4   int main(void) { int ret = 0;
    5    ret |= ((intptr_t)check_MFXInit) & 0xFFFF;
    6   return ret; }
END /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
gcc -D_ISOC99_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O2 -march=native -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -c -o /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.o /tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c
/tmp/ffconf.7IhNLjmP/test.c:1:26: fatal error: mfx/mfxvideo.h: No such file or directory
 #include <mfx/mfxvideo.h>
compilation terminated.
ERROR: libmfx not found

Install Intel Media Studio SDK and GPU driver from Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 – CentOS 7 (7.4.1708)

This tutorial shows how to install GPU video Driver for Intel Internal Graphics – the GPU unit in Intel processors and the Intel Media SDK to enable hardware video decoding and encoding capabilities of the Intel processors with GPU builtin.

Installing Media Server Studio your system will get validated stack of software by Intel to build application against Media SDK interface. So you’ll put in your system not only Intel software but the proper version of the libraries, on which the Intel Media SDK depends on. At the end your application will link to the Intel libmfx dispatcher. Basically you get:

  • libmfx.a dispatcher – the API for your application
  • hardware implementation
  • related libraries (including OpenCL)
  • specific versions for libva and libdrm
  • user mode driver
  • modified i915 graphics driver module
  • kernel patches

STEP 1) Enable internal graphics in your system.

Not only you have to enable the internal graphics from the BIOS of your motherboard, but you must verify the mother board supports internal graphics. Here is the tutorial for the SUPERMICRO servers – “Enable internal graphics in SUPERMICRO servers”. As you can see from the link, for SUPEMICRO servers you will need:

Intel Xeon E3-1200 v4 Family with C226 chipset
Intel Xeon E3-1200 and E3-1500 v5 Family with C236 chipset

But you can use a Desktop processor like Intel i3, i5, i7, which have builtin GPU and the chances the motherboard supports it is really big, just enable it from the BIOS.

STEP 2) Install the right CentOS 7 – 7.4.1708

We need this specific version, because at present the latest version of Intel Media Server Studio requires it. Intel support only this specific version with their latest Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 – we need it because it ships the needed Intel GPU driver and the right libraries to compile against. Here is a howto how you can install this version – Howto do a netinstall of CentOS 7 – minimal server installation Now this version is deprecated so you could have problems finding it. Here is the right place – Just follow the instructions for downloading.
Check the right version of the CentOS 7 and whether you enabled successfully the Internal Graphics in the BIOS:

[root@srv ~]# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) 
[root@srv ~]# uname -a
Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 22 21:09:27 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@srv ~]# lspci |grep Display
00:02.0 Display controller: Intel Corporation Iris Pro Graphics P580 (rev 09)

Iris Pro Graphics P580 (rev 09)

is the GPU unit of “Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1585 v5 @ 3.50GHz”. If you do not see it with lspci you woud not be able to proceed with the steps below.

STEP 3) Download Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1

We have another howto to follow for this step. Because Intel want to register before downloading it we made another howto with the steps and what to expect in the Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 package – just follow the simple steps (to register and download): “Download, what is in the package Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 and which linux distro it supports”

STEP 4) Install Intel Media Studio SDK from Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1

It assumes you are the root user, downloaded the MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz from the previous step (step 3) and put the file in /root/ directory.

[root@srv ~]# ls -la MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 576084887 18 Jun 13,20 MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz
[root@srv ~]# tar xzvf MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz
[root@srv ~]# cd MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1/
[root@srv MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1]# tar xzvf SDK2018Production16.8.tar.gz
[root@srv MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1]# cd SDK2018Production16.8/CentOS_7.4/
[root@srv CentOS_7.4]# tar xzvf install_scripts_centos_16.8-69021.tar.gz
[root@srv CentOS_7.4]# ./
Checking yum by paramters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7.4.1708/x86_64
Checking yum by paramters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...Failed!
This Version of MediaServerStudio has been validated against CentOS 7.4.1708.
To install MediaServerStudio there is a requirement to install packages using yum package manager.
yum package manager automatically installs from latest CentOS released version repository.
If CentOS latest release version is newer than 7.4.1708, yum will default to install packages from this repository.
This could lead to packages been installed that could conflict with this version of MediaServerStudio and cause installation to fail.
It is ultimate responsibility of user to manage yum repositories to ensure that packages installed during installation of MediaServerStudio using yum package manger are installed from correct repository.
For more information on CentOS version please see: ""

User has 3 options to proceed with installation:
1: (default) Installation Script will automatically attempt to enable correct repositories to install from.
2: User can manually edit yum repository files to ensure yum installs from correct repository, i.e. "--releasever=7.4.1708" is workable.
   If this option is chosen installation will abort then user need to fix yum repository files and run this script again.
3: Force installation from default yum repository, i.e. using "--releasever=7" yum option (ONLY for advanced users who clearly know what will happen)

If no response in 120 seconds option 1 will be default [1]2

   Here is an example how to fix yum repository file but just for information -
   Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo, comment out the mirrorlist lines, uncomment and edit the baseurl lines for each entry to point to correct URL -
   OR (b)
   The reason of (b) is centos will move from mirror to vault for old versions then (a) won't work any longer.
   One example for old CentOS7.2 is
   It is expected the same deprecation of mirror will happen one day for CentOS7.4, too.

Please finish the modification and re-run the script to install.

Edit your


and put in it the following:

name=CentOS-$releasever - Base

Execute the installation script again (full log of the installation you can see at the end of the howto):

[root@srv CentOS_7.4]# ./ 
Checking yum by paramters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
base                                                                                                                                           | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
(1/2): base/7.4.1708/x86_64/group_gz                                                                                                           | 156 kB  00:00:00     
(2/2): base/7.4.1708/x86_64/primary_db                                                                                                         | 5.7 MB  00:00:01     
Determining fastest mirrors
Checking yum by paramters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...Succeeded!
Installing prerequisiters with yum parameters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
There is no installed groups file.
Maybe run: yum groups mark convert (see man yum)
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-11.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: perl >= 5.006 for package: autoconf-2.69-11.el7.noarch
Installing prerequisiters with yum parameters "--releasever=7.4.1708"...Succeeded!
Installing user-space library rpms...
warning: libdrm-2.4.74-69021.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID a9b021f4: NOKEY
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:libdrm-2.4.74-69021.el7.centos   ################################# [  9%]
   2:libva-2.0.1.pre1-69021.el7.centos################################# [ 18%]
   3:intel-linux-media-16.8-69021.el7.################################# [ 27%]
Install finished. Please reboot.
   4:intel-opencl-16.8-67208          ################################# [ 36%]
   5:intel-opencl-cpu-16.8-67208      ################################# [ 45%]
   6:intel-linux-media-devel-16.8-6902################################# [ 55%]
   7:libva-devel-2.0.1.pre1-69021.el7.################################# [ 64%]
   8:libdrm-devel-2.4.74-69021.el7.cen################################# [ 73%]
   9:drm-utils-2.4.74-69021.el7.centos################################# [ 82%]
  10:intel-opencl-devel-16.8-67208    ################################# [ 91%]
Cleaning up / removing...
  11:libdrm-2.4.74-1.el7              ################################# [100%]
Installing kmod-ukmd-16.8-69021...
warning: kmod-ukmd-16.8-69021.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID a9b021f4: NOKEY
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:kmod-ukmd-16.8-69021.el7.centos  ################################# [100%]
Working. This may take some time ...

Installation done. Please reboot.
[root@srv CentOS_7.4]# reboot

You can see this time the installation script completed successfully. You should reboot to load the Intel GPU driver.

STEP 5) Verify the installation of Intel GPU driver and Intel Media Studio SDK

After you reboot your machine you should check if the Intel GPU driver is loaded and is working properly:

[root@srv ~]# ls /opt/intel/mediasdk/
doc  include  lib  lib64  opensource  plugins  tools
[root@conv11 ~]# lsmod | grep 'i915'
i915                 1328806  1 
drm_ukmd_kms_helper   141366  1 i915
drm_ukmd_compat       122928  2 i915,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
drm_ukmd              369737  3 i915,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
i2c_algo_bit           13413  3 ast,igb,i915
video                  24520  1 i915
i2c_core               40756  10 ast,drm,igb,i915,i2c_i801,i2c_hid,drm_kms_helper,i2c_algo_bit,drm_ukmd,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
[root@srv ~]# dmesg|grep drm
[    2.114138] drm: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[    2.114269] drm: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
[    2.115431] [drm] Initialized
[    2.120228] [drm_ukmd] Initialized drm_ukmd module
[    2.120643] Initialized drm/i915 compat module 20180222-16.8-69021-k0260ae1
[    2.128447] [drm_ukmd] Found 128MB of eLLC
[    2.128686] [drm_ukmd] Memory usable by graphics device = 4096M
[    2.128690] [drm_ukmd] Replacing VGA console driver
[    2.135059] [drm_ukmd] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
[    2.135060] [drm_ukmd] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
[    2.180772] [drm_ukmd] failed to retrieve link info, disabling eDP
[    2.182319] [drm_ukmd] Cannot find any crtc or sizes - going 1024x768
[    2.182355] [drm_ukmd] RC6 disabled, disabling runtime PM support
[    2.182362] [drm_ukmd] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20180222-16.8-69021-k0e37c29 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0
[    2.182443] [drm] Using P2A bridge for configuration
[    2.182447] [drm] AST 2400 detected
[    2.182457] [drm] Analog VGA only
[    2.182471] [drm] dram 1632000000 1 16 01000000
[    2.182663] i915 0000:00:02.0: fb1: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
[    2.187145] fb: conflicting fb hw usage astdrmfb vs EFI VGA - removing generic driver
[    2.187277] fbcon: astdrmfb (fb0) is primary device
[    2.228185] ast 0000:03:00.0: fb0: astdrmfb frame buffer device
[    2.346863] [drm] Initialized ast 0.1.0 20120228 for 0000:03:00.0 on minor 1
[    3.767992] [drm_ukmd] RC6 off
[    3.769801] [drm_ukmd] The Ring/GT multiplier is 2
[root@srv ~]# ls -altr /dev/dri/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root       120 26 Jun  1,35 .
crw-rw----.  1 root video 226, 128 26 Jun  1,35 renderD128
crw-------.  1 root video 226,  64 26 Jun  1,35 controlD64
crw-rw----.  1 root video 226,   0 26 Jun  1,35 card0
crw-rw----.  1 root video 226,   1 26 Jun  1,35 card1
drwxr-xr-x. 19 root root      3220 26 Jun  1,35 ..
[root@srv ~]#

The Intel Graphic Driver is loaded successfully as you can see, it is very important to have a directory


and “dev” devices like



/dev/dri/card0 or/and /dev/dri/card1

After the reboot if you get

[root@srv ~]# ls -altr /dev/dri/
ls: cannot access /dev/dri/: No such file or directory

see the troubleshooting section below!
You can use a sample program from the SDK to verify everything is installed properly – the Driver and the libraries are installed and loaded.

[root@srv ~]# cd MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1
[root@srv MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1]# tar xzf MediaSamples_Linux_2018R1_b982.tar.gz
[root@srv MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1]# 
[root@srv ~]# cd MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1/MediaSamples_Linux_2018R1_b982/samples/_bin/x64/
[root@srv x64]# ./sample_multi_transcode -i::h264 ../content/test_stream.264 -o::h264 test_out.h264 -hw -la
Multi Transcoding Sample Version

libva info: VA-API version 1.0.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: User requested driver 'iHD'
libva info: Trying to open /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib64/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Pipeline surfaces number (DecPool): 59
MFX HARDWARE Session 0 API ver 1.25 parameters: 
Input  video: AVC 
Output video: AVC 

Session 0 was NOT joined with other sessions

Transcoding started
Transcoding finished

Common transcoding time is 0.139387 sec
*** session 0 PASSED (MFX_ERR_NONE) 0.139182 sec, 101 frames
-i::h264 ../content/test_stream.264 -o::h264 test_out.h264 -hw -la 


The test PASSED

The test is “PASSED”, the sample stream is transcoded successfully with hardware accelaration.

* Troubleshooting – missing /dev/dri/ directory and no KMS by default!

[root@srv ~]# ls /opt/intel/mediasdk/
doc  include  lib  lib64  opensource  plugins  tools
[root@srv ~]# lsmod | grep 'i915'
i915                 1328806  0 
drm_ukmd_kms_helper   141366  1 i915
drm_ukmd_compat       122928  2 i915,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
drm_ukmd              369737  2 i915,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
i2c_algo_bit           13413  2 igb,i915
video                  24520  1 i915
i2c_core               40756  10 drm,igb,i915,i2c_i801,i2c_hid,ipmi_ssif,drm_kms_helper,i2c_algo_bit,drm_ukmd,drm_ukmd_kms_helper
[root@srv ~]# dmesg|grep drm
[    2.111649] drm: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[    2.111752] drm: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
[    2.112516] [drm] Initialized
[    2.115745] [drm_ukmd] Initialized drm_ukmd module
[    2.116043] Initialized drm/i915 compat module 20180222-16.8-69021-k0260ae1
[root@srv ~]#
[root@srv ~]# ls -altr /dev/dri/
ls: cannot access /dev/dri/: No such file or directory

If you see the above error of missing


directory, but the driver seems loaded it is because by default on some systems the modsetting is off (KMS – and now thw driver is half working. So you need to remove the driver and load it with a parameter:

[root@srv ~]# rmmod i915
[root@srv ~]# modprobe i915 modeset=1
[root@srv ~]# dmesg|grep drm
[    2.111649] drm: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[    2.111752] drm: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
[    2.112516] [drm] Initialized
[    2.115745] [drm_ukmd] Initialized drm_ukmd module
[    2.116043] Initialized drm/i915 compat module 20180222-16.8-69021-k0260ae1
[  594.423711] [drm_ukmd] Found 128MB of eLLC
[  594.423942] [drm_ukmd] Memory usable by graphics device = 4096M
[  594.423945] [drm_ukmd] Replacing VGA console driver
[  594.429823] [drm_ukmd] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
[  594.429823] [drm_ukmd] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
[  594.470490] [drm_ukmd] failed to retrieve link info, disabling eDP
[  594.472353] [drm_ukmd] Cannot find any crtc or sizes - going 1024x768
[  594.472705] i915 0000:00:02.0: fb1: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
[  594.479838] [drm_ukmd] RC6 disabled, disabling runtime PM support
[  594.479841] [drm_ukmd] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20180222-16.8-69021-k0e37c29 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0
[  595.771996] [drm_ukmd] RC6 off
[  595.772030] [drm_ukmd] The Ring/GT multiplier is 2

You see a lot more information for “drm” in “dmesg” and the “dev” devices are here:

[root@srv ~]# ls -al /dev/dri/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root       100 25 Jun 13,20 .
drwxr-xr-x. 19 root root      3220 26 Jun  0,24 ..
crw-rw----.  1 root video 226,   0 25 Jun 13,20 card0
crw-------.  1 root video 226,  64 25 Jun 13,20 controlD64
crw-rw----.  1 root video 226, 128 25 Jun 13,20 renderD128
[root@srv ~]#

If you see the “/dev/dri/renderD128” the Intel GPU driver is loaded correctly and you can use hardware video decoding and encoding.
It is a good practice to enable it by default (of course, if it wasn’t by default! If in your system the KMS load by default you can skip it):
First check if in /etc/default/grub there is “nomodeset” in “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX” and remove it and update your grub2 configuration with (the BIOS of the server is in UEFI mode for sure if you want to have KMS):

[root@srv ~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg 
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-c1a8b43c94cb4b5caa8786ca5e85211c
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-0-rescue-c1a8b43c94cb4b5caa8786ca5e85211c.img
[root@srv ~]# reboot

Reboot and check again if the driver loaded with modsetting (KMS) enabled. If it is still not loaded properly you could try to add to “/etc/default/grub” in “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX” the following (just add the two options to the other options in the variable – you could try first only the first one, because preliminary_hw_support could lead to instability in some hardware):

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i915.modeset=1 i915.preliminary_hw_support=1"

And then againt regenerate the grub2 config with:

[root@srv ~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg 
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-c1a8b43c94cb4b5caa8786ca5e85211c
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-0-rescue-c1a8b43c94cb4b5caa8786ca5e85211c.img
[root@srv ~]# reboot

Now you should have “/dev/dri” directory.

* Full log of the installation

Click on the second page.

Download, what is in the package Intel Media Server Studio 2018 R1 and which linux distro it supports

This howto is just information what to expect from the community package of Intel Media Server Studio.

This package is the starting point of the Quick Sync using and development process – you’ll need parts of it if you want to use hardware encoding and decoding for video streams like MPEG-2, H.264, VC-1, VP8, VP9, HEVC and more!

Most of the time this package is needed for the Intel® Media SDK and the graphics drivers it provides. So the main purpose here is to give you an information which version of the SDK and the graphics drivers are included in the different package and which kernel and Linux distro is supported.
Different versions support different OS linux distros – mainly different CentOS 7. The package supports also a Generic Linux installation on a relatively older kernel.

First we start how to freely download the “Intel Media Server Studio Community Edition” from the Intel site:
This package (as you can see below) supports CentOS 7.4.1708 or any linux distro by downloading kernel 4.4.111.

STEP 1) Get the free community edition, select “Community” from the dropdown as shown and click on “Free Download”.

main menu
Intel Media Server Studio 2018 for Linux

STEP 2) Intel wants to register before downloading the Community edition, if you have already had an account you could sign in.

Fill the data with your personal and company details, do not fake them! You can miss something important from Intel and you know they give you a big piece of software for free, which could help you a lot!

main menu
Intel user registration

STEP 3) Check your details, enter your password and click “Register” on the bottom.

main menu
Register an Account

STEP 4) Click on “Choose a Version” and select “2018 2018_R1” – this is the latest version at the moment.

If you need another one just choose the right for you from the dropdown box. Check the checkbox with the “Consent to the collection of the information and would like to download the software”.

main menu
Intel Media Server Studio community Edition – 2018

STEP 5) To download the package click in “Intel Media Server Studio for Linux*”, the file is 549MB in size.

main menu
Intel Media Server Studio community Edition – 2018 Download

STEP 6) The file name is MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz and in fact it is the Essentials version of the studio without any paid support.

main menu
Intel Media Server Studio community Edition – 2018 – file name

Here is what is in the archive:

  1. SDK 2018 Production 16.8 – there two version way to install it:
    1. it supports CentOS version 7.4.1708, because it is deprecated you should use
      • libdrm-2.4.74-69021
      • intel-linux-media-devel-16.8-69021
      • intel-opencl-cpu-16.8-67208
      • intel-linux-media-16.8-69021
      • ukmd-kmod-16.8-69021
      • kmod-ukmd-16.8-69021
      • libva-2.0.1.pre1-69021
      • drm-utils-2.4.74-69021
      • libdrm-devel-2.4.74-69021
      • intel-opencl-devel-16.8-67208
      • intel-opencl-16.8-67208
      • libva-devel-2.0.1.pre1-69021

      Here is the modinfo output of the CentOS 7 i915 driver:

      [root@conv11 Generic]# modinfo i915
      filename:       /lib/modules/3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64/weak-updates/ukmd/i915.ko
      license:        GPL and additional rights
      description:    Intel Graphics
      author:         Intel Corporation
      author:         Tungsten Graphics, Inc.
      firmware:       i915/bxt_dmc_ver1.bin
      firmware:       i915/skl_dmc_ver1_26.bin
      firmware:       i915/skl_guc_ver4.bin
      rhelversion:    7.4
    2. Generic Install – the setup will try to download kernel version 4.4.111 and install above libraries and compile i915 module.
  2. MediaSamples Linux 2018 R1_b982
  3. Intel SDK for Opencl 2017 7.0.0 2580_x64 – it includes Intel Code builder 2017.0-

Here is the files in the archive:

srv@local ~ $ tar xzvf MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1.tar.gz
srv@local ~ $ tar xzvf MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1/SDK2018Production16.8.tar.gz
srv@local ~ $ tar xzvf MediaServerStudioEssentials2018R1/intel_sdk_for_opencl_2017_7.0.0.2580_x64.tgz

Here are the installed media in “/opt/intel” – the librabry files and which version are available:


Replace an old IP with new one in all files of all sub-directories recursively

Here is a quick Linux tip for those who want to replace their old IP with new one for all files in a given directory and all its sub-directories recursively:

find [path-to-directory] -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's[old-IP-escape-dot]/[new-IP]/g'

Quick example:

find /etc/nginx/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/192\.168\.10\.124/'

As you can see the directory is “/etc/nginx” and replace it with the directory where are your (configuration) files are. We are replacing old IP= with the new one, so after the execution of the above line you’ll get modified files with IP
You must escape the dot “.” in the IP!

sysbench – FATAL: Too large position discovered in request

Here is a quick fix, which could take you a long time solving it even with Internet, because not so much information on the topic!
Let’s you want to run sysbench to check the IO of an SSD or NVME or your old hard drive? You run something like:

sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd prepare
sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd run
sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4G --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd cleanup

Total of 4G files split in 128000 files and each file should be 32K seems OK at first, but you got:

FATAL: Too large position discovered in request

And the solution is simple enough:

file-total-size = file-num * file-block-size

And put the file-total-size in the units you used for file-block-size to be sure there are no rounding!
To put in simple words:

the size of file data should evenly divide by the number of files

So the above will transform to:

ssysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd prepare
ssysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd run
ssysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K --file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 --max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd cleanup

Here are the computes:

–file-total-size=4096000K = –file-num=128000 * –file-block-size=32K

Simple equation could save you a lot of time!

* Good run – no errors!

srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd prepare
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

128000 files, 32Kb each, 4000Mb total
Creating files for the test...
srv@local:/disks/1/test# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 100

Extra file open flags: 16384
128000 files, 32Kb each
3.9062Gb total file size
Block size 32Kb
Number of random requests for random IO: 0
Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing random read test
Threads started!
Time limit exceeded, exiting...
(last message repeated 99 times)

Operations performed:  4605591 Read, 0 Write, 0 Other = 4605591 Total
Read 140.55Gb  Written 0b  Total transferred 140.55Gb  (479.74Mb/sec)
15351.63 Requests/sec executed

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          300.0067s
    total number of events:              4605591
    total time taken by event execution: 29893.5378
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  0.07ms
         avg:                                  6.49ms
         max:                                 40.43ms
         approx.  95 percentile:               7.06ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           46055.9100/51.84
    execution time (avg/stddev):   298.9354/0.00

sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096000K \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd run
Removing test files...

* Bad run – with the error: FATAL: Too large position discovered in request

srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096M \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd prepare
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

128000 files, 32Kb each, 4096M total
Creating files for the test...
srv@local:/disks/1/test# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096M \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd run
sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 100

Extra file open flags: 16384
128000 files, 32.768Kb each
3.9999Gb total file size
Block size 32Kb
Number of random requests for random IO: 200000
Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing random read test
Threads started!
FATAL: Too large position discovered in request!
(last message repeated 30 times)
FATAL: Failed to read file! file: 80714 pos: 2 errno = 22 ()
FATAL: Too large position discovered in request!
(last message repeated 67 times)

Operations performed:  1 Read, 0 Write, 0 Other = 1 Total
Read 32Kb  Written 0b  Total transferred 32Kb  (114.71Kb/sec)
    3.58 Requests/sec executed

Test execution summary:
    total time:                          0.2790s
    total number of events:              1
    total time taken by event execution: 0.0038
    per-request statistics:
         min:                                  3.79ms
         avg:                                  3.79ms
         max:                                  3.79ms
         approx.  95 percentile:         10000000.00ms

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           0.0100/0.10
    execution time (avg/stddev):   0.0000/0.00
srv@local:/disks/1/test# sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=4096M \
--file-block-size=32K --file-num=128000 --num-threads=100 --max-requests=0 \
--max-time=300 --file-extra-flags=direct --file-test-mode=rndrd cleanup
Removing test files...

Receive multicast packets on CentOS 7 (and other linux distros)

There are so many web pages and blogs post for multicast traffic under linux and how to enable it, but in most of them something always is missing and if you follow them probably you’ll end up with not working setup and you’ll have to search the Internet again – some do need tuning of the linux kernel variables not to drop packets, some need tuning the firewall to allow protocols.
Here we present a real working example of a server under CentOS 7, our server has two network ports:

  1. eno1 – local unicast traffic with local IP
  2. eno2 – multicast traffic

We have multicast TV streams, which we can use through our second network interface and we want to use ffmpeg to encode the video. We have “Multicast Group:port” for every stream, which is like “IP:PORT” and in our case the port is always the same 5000. Here are the steps you need to do if you want to receive these streams.

STEP 1) Set networking and make the configuration permanent.

In CentOS 7 the network of eno2, set a local IP, in fact it does not matter the exact IP, we used local network.



The important lines are highlighted. Configure the network adapter on boot and set
Second and very important add a static route for the multicast traffic for the network interface, which is supposed to have the multicast streams (in our case “eno2”). Use file:

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eno2 dev eno2

STEP 2) Kernel variables tuning

[srv@local ~]# for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter ; do echo 0 > "$i";   done
[srv@local ~]# echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts

Turn off “Reverse Path Filtering” for all interfaces (rp_filter) and ping for the multicast address to work properly we need to disable icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts. By default kernel drops these packets so you need this tuning or your application will not receive a single udp packet.
You could save the above two lines in


and do not forget to set proper access rights:

[srv@local ~]# chmod 755 /etc/rc.local

Or you can use


Add the following lines in it:


STEP 3) Allow UDP traffic (and/or IGMP) if you have firewall

Here the port is the “Multicast Group:port” of the IP your application will join (look the example below)

  1. firewalld – the default with CentOS 7:
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --new-zone=multicast --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-interface=eno2 --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-protocol=igmp --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-protocol=icmp --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-source= --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-source= --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-port=5000/udp --permanent
    [srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

    We make a new zone for the multicast streams and add our interface, the sources and the port we use. We added IGMP, because in some use cases it is needed (in our it could work without IGMP added)

  2. iptables – if you have disabled firewall and still you wanted to have a firewall:
    # allow multicast addresses
    [srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p udp -d 5000 -j ACCEPT
    [srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
    [srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p igmp -d -j ACCEPT
    [srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT

    Probably it is a good idea to see if you have current rules (with “iptables -L -v -n” or even “iptables-save”) and to see if you should use “-A” (above) or “-I” to insert the rules above the DROP rule(s).

* Example with ffmpeg joining to a multicast group

[srv@local ~]# ffmpeg -i 'udp://'
ffmpeg version 2.8.6 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 5.3.0 (Gentoo 5.3.0 p1.0, pie-0.6.5)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --shlibdir=/usr/lib64 --mandir=/usr/share/man --enable-shared --cc=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc --cxx=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ --ar=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar --optflags='-march=native -O2 -msse3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe' --disable-static --enable-avfilter --enable-avresample --disable-stripping --enable-nonfree --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --disable-indev=alsa --disable-indev=oss --disable-outdev=alsa --disable-outdev=oss --enable-version3 --enable-bzlib --disable-runtime-cpudetect --disable-debug --disable-doc --disable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-hardcoded-tables --enable-iconv --disable-lzma --enable-network --enable-openssl --enable-postproc --disable-libsmbclient --enable-ffplay --enable-sdl --disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau --enable-xlib --disable-libxcb --disable-libxcb-shm --disable-libxcb-xfixes --enable-zlib --disable-libcdio --disable-libiec61883 --disable-libdc1394 --enable-libcaca --disable-openal --disable-opengl --disable-libv4l2 --disable-libpulse --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopencore-amrnb --disable-libfdk-aac --enable-libopenjpeg --disable-libbluray --disable-libcelt --disable-libgme --enable-libgsm --disable-libmodplug --disable-libopus --disable-libquvi --disable-librtmp --disable-libssh --disable-libschroedinger --disable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --disable-libzvbi --disable-libbs2b --disable-libflite --disable-frei0r --disable-libfribidi --enable-fontconfig --disable-ladspa --disable-libass --enable-libfreetype --disable-libsoxr --enable-pthreads --enable-libvo-aacenc --disable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmp3lame --disable-libaacplus --enable-libfaac --disable-libsnappy --enable-libtheora --disable-libtwolame --disable-libwavpack --disable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --disable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-x11grab --disable-amd3dnow --disable-amd3dnowext --disable-fma4 --disable-xop --cpu=host
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libavresample   2.  1.  0 /  2.  1.  0
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
  libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
[mpeg2video @ 0xf2fa80] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
    Last message repeated 10 times
Input #0, mpegts, from 'udp://':
  Duration: N/A, start: 87846.990933, bitrate: 5659 kb/s
  Program 5 
      service_name    : ?TVtest
      service_provider: ?ss
    Stream #0:0[0x33]: Video: mpeg2video (Main) ([2][0][0][0] / 0x0002), yuv420p(tv), 720x576 [SAR 64:45 DAR 16:9], 5467 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc
    Stream #0:1[0x34](bul): Audio: mp2 ([3][0][0][0] / 0x0003), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16p, 192 kb/s
At least one output file must be specified

As you can see to join the multicast group and ffmpeg to start encoding you use “udp://” for input stream parameter. Here ffmpeg joins the group and receives packets successfully.

* Generic example to receive UDP multicast stream

You may use the following example in any linux distro like Ubuntu, CentOS 7, Gentoo, OpenSuse and many others to receive muticast streams

[srv@local ~]# #ifconfig or ip - use one of them
[srv@local ~]# #ifconfig
[srv@local ~]# ifconfig eno1 up
[srv@local ~]# route add -net netmask eno2
[srv@local ~]# #or ip
[srv@local ~]# ip addr add dev eno2
[srv@local ~]# ip link set eno2 up
[srv@local ~]# #allow multicast packets to the server
[srv@local ~]# for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter ; do echo 0 > "$i";   done
[srv@local ~]# echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
[srv@local ~]# #if you have firewall use the following for the iptables OR firewalld after that - use only one of them!
[srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p udp -d 5000 -j ACCEPT
[srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
[srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p igmp -d -j ACCEPT
[srv@local ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT
[srv@local ~]# #firewalld setup
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --new-zone=multicast --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-interface=eno2 --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-protocol=igmp --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-protocol=icmp --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-source= --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-source= --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=multicast --add-port=5000/udp --permanent
[srv@local ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

Install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a PC with existing windows 10 and linux

This tutorial will show you the simple steps of installing a modern Linux Distribution – Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 LTS (in fact the version presented here is 16.04.4 Desktop LTS). Here we present the more advanced setup installation, when you have already had installed operating systems, so this installation will add Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to our two existing ones – Microsoft Windows 10 Professional and Ubuntu 17.10. So we have 4 disks – one is NVME, the other three are SSDs and we want to install our Ubuntu 16.04 to the third disk – “sdc” in this case. Our third SSD do not have partitions or any data, so we can use the whole device.
Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 LTS comes with the following software:

  • Xorg X server – 1.19.5
  • unity (the GUI) – 7.4.5
  • linux kernel – 4.13.0
  • linux-firmware – 1.157.17
  • QT – 5.5.1
  • libc – 2.23
  • gnu gcc – 5.4.0
  • coreutils – 8.25
  • python2.7 (default) – 2.7.12
  • python3 – 3.5.1
  • perl – 5.22.1
  • compiz –
  • apt – 1.2.25
  • cups – 2.1.3

We used the following ISO for the installation process – Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus):

It is a LIVE image so you can try it before installing. The easiest way is just to download the image and burn it to a DVD disk and then follow the installation below:

STEP 1) Change to “Install Ubuntu” and hit enter.

To install Ubuntu from your DVD or USB you must boot from it, so change your BIOS accordingly – first boot devide should be the DVD or USB drive with Ubunto installation. If you do it successfully you would see the screenshot below.

main menu
Install Ubuntu grub option

Keep on reading!

vmware-modules failed with too many arguments to function smp_call_function and smp_call_function_single

vmware-modules is really tough to compile on a bleeding edge kernel like last versions from When a new kernel is out the chances you cannot vmware modules are really big and if you look at the patches a gentoo build applies at present 40 (at the end you can see a log from Gentoo) an almost all begin with


But apparently not only the patches are needed the CFLAGS are also important. And if you include

-fomit-frame-pointer in CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS

you’ll get into troubles! And this is not specific to Gentoo and probably not to specific kernel version, because there are reports from 2012 and before 2012! So if you have the following error:

In file included from /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:69:0:
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c: In function ‘LinuxDriverEstimateTSCkHz’:
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/vmmonInt.h:88:15: error: too many arguments to function ‘smp_call_function_single’
               smp_call_function_single(cpu, fn, info, 1, wait)
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:208:10: note: in expansion of macro ‘compat_smp_call_function_single’
    err = compat_smp_call_function_single(0, LinuxDriverEstimateTSCkHzWork,
In file included from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/percpu.h:7:0,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/percpu-rwsem.h:7,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/fs.h:33,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/highmem.h:5,
                 from /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:25:
/usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/smp.h:32:5: note: declared here
 int smp_call_function_single(int cpuid, smp_call_func_t func, void *info,
In file included from /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:69:0:
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c: In function ‘LinuxDriverSyncCallOnEachCPU’:
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/vmmonInt.h:34:50: error: too many arguments to function ‘smp_call_function’
 #define compat_smp_call_function(fn, info, wait) smp_call_function(fn, info, 1, wait)
/var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:1224:4: note: in expansion of macro ‘compat_smp_call_function’
    compat_smp_call_function(LinuxDriverSyncCallHook, &args, 0);
In file included from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/percpu.h:7:0,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/percpu-rwsem.h:7,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/fs.h:33,
                 from /usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/highmem.h:5,
                 from /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:25:
/usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/include/linux/smp.h:100:5: note: declared here
 int smp_call_function(smp_call_func_t func, void *info, int wait);
distcc[32709] ERROR: compile /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c on localhost failed
make[3]: *** [/usr/src/linux-4.16.3-gentoo/scripts/ /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Revise your CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS environment variables and remove “-fomit-frame-pointer”.

In our system we used (manual compile/install):

export CFLAGS="-O2 -msse -msse2 -mssse3 -march=core2 -pipe"
export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"

or for Gentoo configuration file /etc/portage/make.conf

CFLAGS="-O2 -msse -msse2 -mssse3 -march=core2 -pipe"

* All needed patches in Gentoo for compiling vmware-modules 308.5.9 ( with vmware-player- ) successfully in a modern kernel

>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/app-emulation/vmware-modules-308.5.9/work ...
 * Applying 308-makefile-kernel-dir.patch ...                [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-makefile-include.patch ...                   [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-netdevice.patch ...                          [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-apic.patch ...                               [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.10-00-dentry.patch ...                     [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.10-01-inode.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.10-02-control.patch ...                    [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.10-03-inline.patch ...                     [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.11-00-readdir.patch ...                    [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.11-01-filldir.patch ...                    [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.15-00-vsock.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.18-00-version-redefined.patch ...          [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-00-compat-namei.patch ...               [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-02-vmblock-path.patch ...               [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-04-iovec.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-05-vmci_qpair.patch ...                 [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-06-vsock.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-3.19-07-vsock.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.01-00-vsock.patch ...                      [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.02-00-nd_set_link.patch ...                [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.02-01-sk_alloc.patch ...                   [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.03-00-vmci-misc_deregister.patch ...       [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.05-00-vmblock-follow_link.patch ...        [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.06-00-user-pages.patch ...                 [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.07-01-readlink_copy.patch ...              [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.08-00-vmmon-fix-page-accounting.patch ...  [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.09-00-user-pages.patch ...                 [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.10-00-generic_readlink.patch ...           [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.11-00-missing-headers.patch ...            [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.11-01-vsock-lockdep.patch ...              [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.12-00-vmblock-current_time.patch ...       [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.12-01-vmci-do_once.patch ...               [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.12-02-vmci-pci_enable_msix.patch ...       [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.13-00-vmnet-refcount.patch ...             [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.13-01-vmmon-fix-page-accounting.patch ...  [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.14-00-vmmon-global-page-state.patch ...    [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.14-01-deprecated-asm-uaccess.patch ...     [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.15-00-init_timer.patch ...                 [ ok ]
 * Applying 308-4.16-00-vmblock-iversion.patch ...           [ ok ]
>>> Source prepared.

In fact if you come from another linux distro and need some of the patches you could always download them if you need – just paste the name of the patch file in let’s say google and you’ll get the patch or you can always add vmware overlay, but you should have Gentoo.

Add a raw disk to a virtualbox virtual machine

This is strange there is no way to add a physical disk to your virtual machine under virtualbox! Still it is possible and it is simple, but you need to execute few commands under console so you need to open a terminal and to have a root privileges!
To use a raw disk in our virtual machine we must create a special VMDK file and then to use it when adding a hard drive to our virtualbox virtual machine with “Use an existing virtual hard disk dile”.

Here are the right steps to add a raw disk:

STEP 1) Permissions – your user must have (write) permissions to access raw disks

In most cases your user do not have write permission to the disk – it is the same under MS Windows and any Linux distribution (and probably MAC)! So here is the right way how to give permissions under Linux and Windows:

  • Under Linux (Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Gentoo and probably all other). There are at least two ways to give WRITE permission to the raw disk (use one of them, the first one is preferred). We want to add our third disk the “/dev/sdc” so the examples are with this device:
    1. add your user to “disk” group and log out. After you log in you’ll have WRITE permissions to the disks. Probably you must log off your GUI (Gnome, KDE and so on), too!
      srv@local ~ $ sudo sudo usermod -a -G disk myuser

      “myuser” is the username of the user I am logged in. The log out and log in (if you are using a GUI – gnome, kde or something else, you must log out from the GUI, too and then log in again).

    2. execute virtualbox with root user
    3. change the permission of the physical device you want to use (this is temporary, because next time you reboot you must change it again)
      srv@local ~ $ sudo chmod o+rw /dev/sdc 
  • Under Windows 10 (or 7) – you must start the command prompt and Virtualbox with “run as Administrator” – look at the next step (STEP 2).

Keep on reading!