If you enable this feature in your MySQL you could increase your disk IO time and write by 8-10x times. Generally, this feature could save…
Upgrade MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 what problems to expect with old my.cnf configuration file
Finally, we do not have any more MySQL 5.6 servers. We upgraded our last part of the system with MySQL 5.6 to 5.7. In our…
Tune nginx proxy cache – control the cache manager how to delete cached files
In most cases you’ll never want to modify the default settings for deleting cache items with proxy_cache_path directives. The problem is in a peak the…
how to disable effectively the deleting (purging) files from nginx proxy_cache (nginx cache manager process)
In peaks deleting files could kill your server and easily the traffic could degraded multiple times than normal if the nginx cache manager start deleting…
Check whether nginx cache manager is deleting files at the moment
Here is a tip for the webmasters (or system admins) to discover whether the nginx using proxy_cache to cache files is deleting files at the…
mysql – Error ‘Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements’ or zero length mysql password
We got this error when granting permissions for one of our new slave server (it could be for an ordinary MySQL server, too): It appeared…
mysql – Error ‘Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 45, found 43. The table is probably corrupted’ on query.
If you upgraded your MySQL server (from 5.6 to 5.7 or above) or imported a MySQL dump SQL file from older version than your current…
pycurl.h: fatal error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory
If you encounter this error trying to install a pip module or compile a program under the console you surely miss OpenSSL development packages! pip…
New Redis server (4.0.9) in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
One of our critical service was under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (and is scheduled for update, but this a another story!) and how it always happens…
Replication hangs with Relay_Master_Log_File mysql-bin.999999 -wrong variables in mariadb (MySQL) show slave status
Several days after another .999999 hang out – mariadb (MySQL) stopped flushing relay-bin log after mysqld-relay-bin.999999, the monitoring of one of the slaves got critical…