The impact of enabling MySQL sync_binlog – really high disk IO

If you enable this feature in your MySQL you could

increase your disk IO time and write by 8-10x times.

Generally, this feature could save your replication scheme if a power failure occurs or OS crash and it could guarantee that no transaction is lost from the binary log. When enabled the binary log is synchronized on disk before transactions are committed. You can check the manual here: and it also says there could be a great impact on disk writes but how many?
So here are two setups:

SETUP 1) 2 x 3T hard drives TOSHIBA DT01ACA300 in software RAID1

The impact of setting the sync_binlog=1 is 8-10 times the IO time and IO writes. Here is images of several hours of sync_binlog=1 and then we disabled it online:

SCREENSHOT 1) Enable the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=1.

As you can see the increase in the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 5 and 6 times more! The load is not increased more than 1.5x as normal, but it should be noted the server is off-peak and it has plenty of RAM 32G. Still mush load when some other IO appears.

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=1 in a software raid of two hard drives

SCREENSHOT 2) Disabling the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=0.

The decrease of the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 5 and 6 times more! Everything back to normal.

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=0 in a software raid of two hard drives.

SCREENSHOT 3) Enable the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=1.

As you can see the increase in the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 8 and 10 times more! The load is not increased, but it should be noted the server is off-peak and it has plenty of RAM 192G. Still mush load when some other IO appears.

SET GLOBAL sync_binlog=0;

SETUP 2) 2 x 960G SSD SAMSUNG SM863 in software RAID1

The impact of setting the sync_binlog=1 is also 8-10 times the IO time and IO writes. Here is images of several hours of sync_binlog=1 and then we disabled it online:

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=1 in a software raid of two enterprise SSDs

SCREENSHOT 4) Disabling the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=0.

The decrease of the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 8 and 10 times more and even more! Everything back to normal.

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=0 in a software raid of two enterprise SSDs

SCREENSHOT 5) Enable the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=1.

Just the period of the graphs are bigger. As you can see the increase in the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 8 and 10 times more! The load is not increased, but it should be noted the server is off-peak and it has plenty of RAM 192G. Still mush load when some other IO appears.

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=1 in a software raid of two enterprise SSDs (big period)

SCREENSHOT 6) Disabling the binary log synchronization with sync_binlog=0.

Just the period of the graphs are bigger. The decrease of the disk IO time and disk write IOPS are significant – somewhere between 8 and 10 times more and even more! Everything back to normal.

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Set MySQL sync_binlog=0 in a software raid of two enterprise SSDs (big period)

BONUS – MySQL changed the default value from 0 (disabled) to 1 (enabled) from 5.7 (in fact MySQL >= 5.7.7).

SO BE CAREFUL now when upgrading from older versions like MySQL 5.1, 5.5, 5.6 – you would probably need to disable it in the MySQL configuration file my.cnf.

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