Here is a simple example of how to send well-formatted JSON access logs directly to the Elasticsearch server. It is as simple as Nginx (it…
syslog – UDP local to rsyslog and send remote with TCP and compression
This article is to show how to log Nginx’s access logs locally using UDP to the local rsyslog daemon, which will send the logs to…
Mirror the official Ubuntu repositories using aptly
This article is to show mainly how to work with aptly by mirroring an official Ubuntu mirror. If you want to know how to install…
nginx and proxy_cache not growing cache despite max_size is bigger – shared memory zone to blame
One of our big Nginx cache servers has recently been upgraded to have 70T storage, which is pretty good storage for a proxy. And in…
KDE Plasma windows force resize – iKVM virtual keyboard
If you happen to use KDE Plasma these days and you encounter view problems like you cannot see the whole viewpoint of a window (especially…
aplty – unable to find control.tar.gz part in package – change deb package compression from xz to gzip
We upgraded to a new version of Ubuntu and our CI (continuous integration) scripts began to throw errors when uploading packages to out aptly repository:…
docker mysql – Fatal error: Please read “Security” section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!
Pulling the official MySQL image from the docker registry to start a MySQL instance with your configuration file (and MySQL binary files). Adding the…
Build docker image with custom Dockerfile name – docker build requires exactly 1 argument
Docker uses the Dockerfile to build docker images, but what if you want to change the name and (or) the path of this file? By…
Docker change the port mapping of an existing container
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the port mapping (forwarded ports from the hosts to the container) of an existing RUNNING container! Not only…
docker and dind service (.gitlab-ci.yml) with self-signed certificate and x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
When using GitLab and the CI/CD for building docker images you may stumble on such error using the “docker:dind” (dind stands for docker in docker)…