This article is probably not only for absolute beginners, so many Linux guys do not know they can just execute a GUI program on their…
Linux rules the world, right?
Rebuild the official Ubuntu kernel – Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
There are multiple reasons to rebuild the official kernel of a Linux distro but this is not the purpose of this article just cannot miss…
List all kernels available to install under Ubuntu
Here is the fast command to see which Linux kernels are available to install from the Ubuntu package management system: Always update to download the…
PHP module compilation error – libtool: Version mismatch error
If you happen to get this error trying to build your own a PHP module (probably, because you need a newer version than the included…
Missing pkg-config results in configure error: possibly undefined macro
This small article is for you who wonder why a configure script under Linux failed with an error like: So autoreconf failed with missing macros,…
Installation and Benchmarks with Phoronix test suite 8.2 under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
The purpose of this article is to show you how you can test your machine – server or desktop with multiple benchmark tools. The easiest…
Gentoo emerge: Failed Running automake
This article is for Gentoo build problem: Failed Running automake but basically the problem could occur in any Linux system and the solution is logically…
Reset lost admin password of Grafana server (CentOS 7)
It could happen to lose your Grafana admin password and luckily there is a pretty easy way for the system administrator of the Grafana server…
Upgrade self-hosted atlassian bitbucket 4.x to 5.x in CentOS 7
Here we are going to show you a real example of how we upgraded out Atlassian Bitbucket server from 4.14.4 (around April 2017 installation) with…
Manual install of base Gentoo Linux x86_64 with openrc (init) and uefi using minimal installation cd
Here we are going to show the minimum steps to install a base Gentoo Linux on your computer – server or desktop using “Minimal Installation…