Redis server with Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range

We have master slave setup with redis servers and after some time the master server began to refuse connections with

Error: Connection reset by peer

Looking in the redis server’s log in “/var/log/redis/redis-server.log” (Ubuntu way):

redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:58.719 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:58.729 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:58.779 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:59.723 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:59.731 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:28:59.782 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:29:00.725 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:29:00.732 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)
redis-server.log-13447:M 17 Jan 15:29:00.784 # Error registering fd event for the new client: Numerical result out of range (fd=24099)

It looked like there are no more File descriptors available to the process of redis server, but way?
Here is why:

srv-redis1 # lsof -n|grep redis|grep FIFO|wc -l
srv-redis1 # netstat -anp      
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      13447/redis-server
redis-ser 13447            redis   51w     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403873809 pipe
redis-ser 13447            redis   52r     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403866724 pipe
redis-ser 13447            redis   53w     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403866724 pipe
redis-ser 13447            redis   54r     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403868523 pipe
redis-ser 13447            redis   55w     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403868523 pipe
redis-ser 13447            redis   56w     FIFO               0,10        0t0  403870163 pipe

Almost 100 000 FIFO pipes?

The only solution is just to restart the server

and probably it is a good idea to upgrade to the latest version!

srv-redis1 redis # systemctl restart redis-server.service

Our version was the latest of the branch 4.x (4.0.11-1chl1~xenial1) at the moment!

Local and remote connections to the master were impossible. The interesting part is that our software on all servers had been already connected and it was OK, but a restarted server could not connect to the master server any more! Here is what you might receive:

srv ~ # redis-cli -h -p 6379> INFO
Error: Connection reset by peer>

and even on local host in the master:

srv-redis1 redis # redis-cli> INFO
Error: Server closed the connection> INFO
Error: Connection reset by peer>

Increase the “Number of File Descriptors”

You can increase the file descriptors for the redis server in the systemd service file “/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service”:


But you probably will get the problem again, it is most probably a bug very similar to this one:

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