grep – find files, which have no match in their entire content

Here is a quick tip for a very useful option, which is not widely known!
If you want to search for a matching string in a file you can use “grep” to look for lines in the file with the matching string, but what if you would like to search for files, which DO NOT contain the search string?
The Unix-world command grep has the option “-L”, which will output the name of the file not containing the search string:

-L, –files-without-match – Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which no output would normally have been printed. The scanning will stop on the first match.

The quote is from grep’s man page!
Some simple examples:

myuser@srv:~/tmp$ grep -L DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION *
myuser@srv:~/tmp$ grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION *"Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS""Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS"

As you can see including the “-L” option will output only names, because no match is found in the files. And if you miss the option the output will show you all files and lines in the files matching the search string.
In addition, if you use “-l” (note this time the letter “l” is lower case), you the searching in the file stops on the first match, so searching in multiple files the output will include only one time the name and the match of a file on contrast when not using “-l” will output the same files’ names with the match the times matched:

myuser@srv:~/tmp$ grep VERSION *"16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)""16.04""16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)""16.04""16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)""16.04"
myuser@srv:~/tmp$ grep -l VERSION *

List Openstack container’s options with the swift command-line client – capabilities command

First, you need to install

swift command-line utility

and second, install the command-line tool to manage your account: Install OpenStack swift client only
With the capabilities command you may discover the following important policy and limits of your account like:

  • Listing limits – how many files (objects) will be in the output when using list command.
  • The maximum file size, which is supported by the server.
  • Maximum files (objects) for deletion per a single request. How many files you can delete with a single request, which is very convinient to put thousands of files per one requests, not to initiate an http(s) connection for each file (object), which could be thousands of files, or even millions!
  • Additinal plugins (in terms of Openstack – middleware), which are supported
  • Maximum container name length

and many more.

In general, you will need:

  1. username (–os-username) – Username
  2. password (–os-password) – Password
  3. authentication url (–os-auth-url) – The URL address, which authorize your requests, it generates a security token for your operations. Always use https!
  4. tenant name (–os-tenant-name) – Tenant is like a project.

All of the above information should be available from your OpenStack administrator.
Here an example output of the capabalities command:

myuser@myserver:~$ swift --os-username myusr --os-tenant-name myusr --os-password mypass --os-auth-url capabilities
Core: swift
  account_autocreate: True
  account_listing_limit: 20000
  allow_account_management: False
  container_listing_limit: 20000
  extra_header_count: 0
  max_account_name_length: 256
  max_container_name_length: 256
  max_file_size: 5368709122
  max_header_size: 8192
  max_meta_count: 90
  max_meta_name_length: 128
  max_meta_overall_size: 4096
  max_meta_value_length: 256
  max_object_name_length: 1024
  policies: [{'name': 'Policy-0', 'default': True}]
  strict_cors_mode: True
Additional middleware: bulk_delete
  max_deletes_per_request: 20000
Additional middleware: bulk_upload
  max_containers_per_extraction: 20000
  max_failed_extractions: 1000
Additional middleware: container_sync
  realms: {}
Additional middleware: crossdomain
Additional middleware: formpost
Additional middleware: keystoneauth
Additional middleware: slo
  max_manifest_segments: 1000
  max_manifest_size: 2097152
  min_segment_size: 1048576
Additional middleware: staticweb

You can see various middleware are activated with specific options – bulk_upload – to upload multiple files with one request (a list with files) and bulk_delete – to delete multiple files per one request and so on.

ansible – using ansible vault with copy module to decrypt on-the-fly files

Here is an interesting tip for all who what to protect the sensitive information with ansible. Our example is simple enough – we want to protect our private key and we want to decrypt it when installing on the server. The copy ansible module has a decrypt feature and it can decrypt the file on-the-fly when the task is executed.
Here is how to use ansible vault to encrypt the file with the private key and the ansible playbook file to copy the file.

If you are a newbie in ansible you can check this article – First ansible use – install and execute a single command or multiple tasks in a playbook There you can see how to create your inventory file (and configure sudo if you remotely log in with unprivileged user) used herein the example.

STEP 1) Encrypt the file with ansible vault

myuser@srv ~ $ ansible-vault encrypt server.key
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
Encryption successful

You can see the file now is changed and starts with:

myuser@srv ~ $ cat server.key 

STEP 2) Ansible playbook file to use copy and decrypt option

- hosts: all
    - name: Copy server private key
        src: server.key
        dest: /etc/env/server.key
        decrypt: yes
        owner: root 
        group: root 
        mode: 400
        backup: no

STEP 3) Execute the ansible playbook

myuser@srv ~ $ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -l srv3 -i ./inventory.ini ./playbook-example.yml -b
Vault password: 

PLAY [all] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv3]

TASK [Copy server private key] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [srv3]

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
srv3                       : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

And the file in the remote server (srv3 in the example) is unencrypted in /etc/env/server.key!

ansible – restart a (nginx) service only if it is running and the configuration is ok

Another ansible quick tip showing how to restart a program properly. We want to restart the program or the service only if it is running (because some system on executing restart may start the service even it is in the stopped state).
Here is what the ansible playbook do:

  1. Check if the program is running.
  2. Check the configuration of the program. Do not restart a program or service if it cannot start after a stop command because of bad configuration file(s).
  3. Restart the service (the program) only if the above two are true.

If you are a newbie in ansible you can check this article – First ansible use – install and execute a single command or multiple tasks in a playbook There you can see how to create your inventory file (and configure sudo if you remotely log in with unprivileged user) used herein the example.

Ansible YAML file

For our example we use the nginx webserver in the ansible playbook. Put the following code in a file and then execute ansible-playbook:

- hosts: all
    - name: Test for running nginx
      shell: ps axuf|grep 'nginx'|grep -v "grep" | tr -d "\n" | cat
      register: test_running_nginx
      changed_when: False
      tags: restart-nginx
    - name: First check the configuration
      shell: /usr/sbin/nginx -t
      register: test_nginx_config
      when: test_running_nginx.stdout != ""
      changed_when: False
      ignore_errors: True
      tags: restart-nginx
    - name: Restart nginx
      service: name=nginx state=restarted
      when: test_running_nginx.stdout != "" and test_nginx_config.rc == 0
      tags: restart-nginx

Here is how to run the above ansible playbook

myuser@srv ~ $ ansible-playbook -l srv2 -i ./inventory.ini ./playbook-example.yml -b

PLAY [all] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [Test for running nginx] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [First check the configuration] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [Restart nginx] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [srv2]

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
srv2                       : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Here we add to the command line “-b”, which will escalate to root if it is needed (using sudo) because the remote connection is done with unprivileged user “myuser”. You can skip this option if you described the remote connection with the root user in the inventory file (or a system user, which has permissions to restart services).
Keep on reading!

ansible – insert after only if the pattern exists and the new insert is not there

Here is a quick ansible tip for system administrators for the ansible lineinfile. Imagine you want to insert a line after a word (or a predefined marker in your configuration file), but you want to insert the line ONLY if the word exists!
It could be done with lineinfile module but there is a limitation. The module will insert after the first occurrence of your marker or at the end of the file. Here is what the manual says: “If specified regular expression has no matches, EOF will be used instead.” And what if you what to insert some additional line to your structured configuration file? It will corrupt your configuration file, so we need something else!
Not only this! Imagine you have already inserted the line in a previous playbook run? It will be unwanted to add the line, again and again, each time the playbook is run. So here we propose the following solution:

  1. Test for existance of the file you want to insert text.
  2. Test for the existance of the marker (aka tag) in the file.
  3. Test for the existance of the line we want to insert.
  4. Insert the line after the marker (aka tag) if all of the above three conditions are true.

Here we use three ansible modules – stat, shell, lineinfile and variables and conditional checks.
If you are a newbie in ansible you can check this article – First ansible use – install and execute a single command or multiple tasks in a playbook There you can see how to create your inventory file (and configure sudo if you remotely log in with unprivileged user) used herein the example:

Ansible YAML file

- hosts: all
        - name: Test for nginx-config
            path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
          register: test_exist_nginx_config
          tags: cors-insert-include
        - name: Test for \#FIRST-SRV-LOCATION tag
          shell: grep '#FIRST-SRV-LOCATION' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | tr -d "\n" | cat
          register: test_first_srv_location
          when: test_exist_nginx_config.stat.exists
          changed_when: False
          tags: cors-insert-include

        - name: Test for cors-locations.loc inserted already
          shell: grep "cors-locations.loc" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | tr -d "\n" | cat
          register: test_cors_locations_loc
          when: test_exist_nginx_config.stat.exists
          changed_when: False
          tags: cors-insert-include
        - name: Insert the includes after \#FIRST-SRV-LOCATION
            path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
            insertafter: '#FIRST-SRV-LOCATION'
            line: '                include /etc/nginx/conf.d/cors-locations.loc;'
            state: present
          when: test_exist_nginx_config.stat.exists and test_first_srv_location.stdout != "" and test_cors_locations_loc.stdout == ""
          tags: cors-insert-include

We want to insert a new include line after our predefined tag “#FIRST-SRV-LOCATION” in the nginx webserver’s main configuration file.

Here is how to run the above ansible playbook

Keep on reading!

Upload files and directories with swift in OpenStack

First, you need to install

swift command line utility

and here is how to do it: Install OpenStack swift client only
In general, you will need:

  1. username (–os-username) – Username
  2. password (–os-password) – Password
  3. authentication url (–os-auth-url) – The URL address, which authorize your requests, it generates a security token for your operations. Always use https!
  4. tenant name (–os-tenant-name) – Tenant is like a project.

All of the above information should be available from your OpenStack administrator.
For the examples we assume there is a container “mytest” (it’s like a main directory from the root). You cannot upload files in the root, because this is the place for containers only i.e. directories. You must always upload files under container (i.e. directory aka folder).

To upload a single file with swift cli execute:

myuser@myserver:~$ swift --os-username myuser --os-tenant-name mytenant --os-password mypass --os-auth-url upload mytest ./file1.log 

Keep on reading!

aptly – ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution ./mytest-stable not found

Sometimes the user manual may be unclear and you came here searching for a solution of dropping a published repository.
We have aptly version: 1.3.0 and here is the right syntax to remove a published repository.

First list the published repositories and reverse the “/” replacing it with space

The commands will be:

aptly publish list
Published repositories:
  * <name-distribution>/<release> [amd64] publishes {main: [xenial-<name>]: Some description}
aptly publish drop -force-drop <release> <name-distribution>

“name-distribution” is the “[name-distribution]” in the URL. For example, the repository URL of myrepo is “” and the name-distribution is “myrepo”.

A real world example

root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish list
Published repositories:
  * myrepo/stable [amd64] publishes {main: [xenial-myrepo]: Stable myrepo packages}
  * test/test [amd64] publishes {test: [test]: Test repo}
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish list --raw
myrepo stable
test test

We want to remove “myrepo/stable”:

root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop -force-drop stable myrepo
Removing /etc/aptly/.aptly/public/etc/dists...
Removing /etc/aptly/.aptly/public/etc/pool...

The published repository has been removed successfully.

The wrong syntax

You might have tried it that’s why you came here:

root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish list           
Published repositories:
  * myrepo/stable [amd64] publishes {main: [xenial-myrepo]: Stable myrepo packages}
  * test/test [amd64] publishes {test: [test]: Test repo}
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish list --raw
myrepo stable
test test
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop myrepo
ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution ./myrepo not found
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop myrepo stable
ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution stable/myrepo not found
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop myrepo-stable
ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution ./myrepo-stable not found
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop -force-drop myrepo-stable
ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution ./myrepo-stable not found
root@srv-aptly:~# aptly --config="/etc/aptly/.aptly.conf" publish drop -force-drop myrepo stable
ERROR: unable to remove: published repo with storage:prefix/distribution stable/myrepo not found

ansible making a link: error – refusing to convert from file to symlink

A quick notice for your ansible scripts and as a reminder the right syntax for making a link with ansible is:

- name: change version
  file: src="path-to-existing-file-or-directory" dest="path-to-the-name-of-the-symlink" state=link
  • src must be existing file on the file system with the full path. The link will point to this file!
  • dest must be the name of the link with the full path. The setup will create or change the where this link points to.

Common error is to swap the src and dst

Here is an example of this error:

TASK [PHP-prepare : change version] ****************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0755", "msg": "refusing to convert from file to symlink for /usr/bin/php7.2", "owner": "root", "path": "/usr/bin/php7.2", "size": 4488224, "state": "file", "uid": 0}

The bad ansible code:

- name: change version
  file: src="/etc/alternatives/php" dest="/usr/bin/php7.2" state=link

The right ansible code:

- name: change version
  file: src="/usr/bin/php7.2" dest="/etc/alternatives/php" state=link

Ubuntu apt – InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 151d 18h 5min 59s)

Invalid time could cause your server (or probably your virtual server or docker instance) to be unable to use Ubuntu’s packaging system apt. It is a typical thing if your virtual or docker instance does not use automatic time synchronization.

It is really important even small installation and virtualized environments to have automatic time synchronization or the service they provide could become error prone with time!

The “apt” just reports the repositories are not valid yet:

myuser@my-server-pc:~$ sudo su
root@my-server-pc:/home/myuser# apt update
Hit:1 bionic InRelease
Get:2 bionic-updates InRelease [88.7 kB]
Get:3 bionic-backports InRelease [74.6 kB]
Get:4 bionic-security InRelease [88.7 kB]
Reading package lists... Done                                 
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 151d 18h 5min 59s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 151d 17h 16min 26s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 151d 17h 15min 3s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
root@my-server-pc:/home/myuser# date
Thu Jan 17 15:11:56 UTC 2019

The clock shows 17 January 2019, but now is 18 June 2019! This is a Ubuntu virtual server with the minimal installation.

The solution is to synchronize your clock manually or use a service (the better way)!

Keep on reading!

Make systemd to save logs on the disk

On some Linux distributions, systemd log files are not saved on your disk, but only temporary in the memory and when you reboot all logs are discarded. So the systemd logs are not persistent, which could lead to missing important information if you want to check them when you are booted in a rescue disk or even if you just reboot your server. for exmaple,

if some important service failed to boot and your server is unreachable and you boot in rescue CD you do not have logs to check why the service failed and the (error) output of the process of starting the services!

Here is how you can enable the systemd logs to be persistent i.e. save them on the disk. This is tested on CentOS 7, which by default saves the systemd logs on memory!

STEP 1) Prepare the systemd log directory

mkdir -p /var/log/journal/
systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal/

STEP 2) Edit systemd configuration and reload the daemon

And ensure your configuration uses “Storage=persistent” in /etc/systemd/journald.conf

grep Storage /etc/systemd/journald.conf
systemctl restart systemd-journald

The last line with systemctl restart could be replace with

killall -USR1 systemd-journald

if you do not want to lose all your current logs in memory!

Bonus – systemd logs from multiple reboots

Here we have logs from 5 reboots. Here you can also see what are the right owner (systemd-journal) and Selinux labels of the “/var/log/journal/”

[root@srv ~]# ls -altrZ /var/log/journal/
drwxr-sr-x+ root systemd-journal system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0   dbd91181db6b4c9f900d9b3a1651a8d5
drwxr-sr-x+ root systemd-journal system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0   .
drwxr-xr-x. root root            system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0   ..
[root@srv ~]# journalctl --disk-usage
Archived and active journals take up 112.0M on disk.
[root@srv ~]# journalctl --list-boots
-4 ec4146b78ac944b8a8d4116f259e09ee Thu 2019-06-06 23:39:14 UTC—Thu 2019-06-06 23:39:37 UTC
-3 ae3d39db626c4592aa84cc68072fbb32 Thu 2019-06-06 23:41:03 UTC—Thu 2019-06-06 23:42:13 UTC
-2 68c1ca07c05b4d59adcc9888c50f4065 Thu 2019-06-06 23:42:57 UTC—Fri 2019-06-07 00:13:27 UTC
-1 f7e8da6aaa8740faa05c4985c92023fd Fri 2019-06-07 00:14:08 UTC—Fri 2019-06-07 00:16:33 UTC
 0 45c00dc29e1a48298d9f87f5421468b4 Fri 2019-06-07 00:17:13 UTC—Mon 2019-06-10 01:39:17 UTC
[root@srv ~]# journalctl --boot=-2
-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-06-06 23:39:14 UTC, end at Mon 2019-06-10 01:39:17 UTC. --
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv systemd-journal[133]: Runtime journal is using 8.0M (max allowed 1.5G, trying to leave 2.3G free of 15.6G available → current limit 1.5G).
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0x710, date = 2013-06-17
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: Linux version 3.10.0-514.10.2.el7.x86_64 ( (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11) (GCC) ) #1 S
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-514.10.2.el7.x86_64 root=UUID=c9bec791-c77d-4189-b18a-9ddc728ee782 ro crashkernel=auto r
Jun 06 23:42:57 srv kernel: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[root@srv ~]# journalctl --boot=-2 -u auditd
-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-06-06 23:39:14 UTC, end at Mon 2019-06-10 01:50:18 UTC. --
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv systemd[1]: Starting Security Auditing Service...
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv auditd[694]: Started dispatcher: /sbin/audispd pid: 698
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv audispd[698]: priority_boost_parser called with: 4
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv audispd[698]: max_restarts_parser called with: 10
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv audispd[698]: audispd initialized with q_depth=150 and 1 active plugins
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: /sbin/augenrules: No change
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv auditd[694]: Init complete, auditd 2.6.5 listening for events (startup state enable)
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: No rules
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: enabled 1
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: failure 1
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: pid 694
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: rate_limit 0
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: backlog_limit 320
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: lost 0
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv augenrules[695]: backlog 1
Jun 06 23:43:05 srv systemd[1]: Started Security Auditing Service.
Jun 06 23:56:48 srv auditd[694]: The audit daemon is exiting.
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv systemd[1]: Starting Security Auditing Service...
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv auditd[24744]: Started dispatcher: /sbin/audispd pid: 24746
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv audispd[24746]: audispd initialized with q_depth=250 and 1 active plugins
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv auditd[24744]: Init complete, auditd 2.8.4 listening for events (startup state enable)
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: /sbin/augenrules: No change
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: No rules
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: enabled 1
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: failure 1
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: pid 24744
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: rate_limit 0
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: backlog_limit 320
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: lost 0
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv augenrules[24750]: backlog 1
Jun 06 23:56:49 srv systemd[1]: Started Security Auditing Service.
Jun 07 00:13:26 srv systemd[1]: Stopping Security Auditing Service...
Jun 07 00:13:26 srv systemd[1]: Stopped Security Auditing Service.

Now you have logs of your booting process!

The systemd log files are accessible even if you’ve booted from a rescue CD and you chroot in your system!

Be careful with the disk free space when using disk storage for your systemd logs – Clear or delete systemd logs.