Edit with systemctl edit to add restart on fail to a service – nfs-ganesha

A quick tip how to edit a service unit file under a c system like CentOS Stream 9 or Ubuntu. The best way is to edit it with the the tool “systemctl edit [service_name]”, which will trigger the default editor to open a temporary copy of the systemd unit file with the service name used with it. The default editor in the console is controlled by “EDITOR” variable and may be changed prior using the systemctl edit. After a successful manipulation of the system unit file the new one will be installed and a reload of the systemd unit files will be triggered with “systemctl daemon-reload” automatically. Indeed, it is just a text edit of a text file, which will do several actions when using “systemctl edit” command.

main menu
systemctl cat service

systemd options ro restart a service on fail are:


Here, the example is to add a restart-on-fail functionality to the nfs-ganesha service (NFS service). The systemctl edit may be used for many other changes to the systemd unit file under the console and it is the easiest and proper way.

SCREENSHOT 1) Use “systemctl edit” to edit a copy of the systemd override unit file.

do not insert anything at the end of the comments or below the second red line comments – “### Lines below this comment will be discarded”. This temporary override file includes a systemd unit file of the service, which is opened for editing. The result override.conf file will only include the added lines, no other comments shown below the second red line.

main menu
systemctl edit opened

Keep on reading!

rsync daemon in CentOS 8

Apparently, the team behind the CentOS 8 decided to split the rsync functionality to two packages – one for the client-side and for the server-side, despite the binary rsync is only one and offers the client-size and server-side.
So there two packages in CentOS 8:

  1. rsync – provides the client-side and server-side as usual
  2. rsync-daemon – provides configuration example file and the systemd to start it as a service.

So if you wonder where is your rsync service after installing the rsync package under CentOS 8 you must install additional package “rsync-daemon”.

Of course, you may just create anywhere “rsyncd.conf” (the best place for the configuration file is in /etc, but could be placed anywhere with “–config=PATH/FILE” option) file and start the daemon as usual with “–daemon” option included to have the rsync server-side up and running.

rsync --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd.conf

Just create yourself the configuration “/etc/rsyncd.conf” file.

Install the rsync program – the client and the daemon

dnf install rsync

Install the configuration and systemd files

dnf install rsync-daemon

rsync and rsync-daemon files

The files included in the two packages:

[root@srv ~]# dnf repoquery -l rsync-daemon
Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:02 ago on Wed 22 Jan 2020 02:57:06 PM UTC.
[root@srv ~]# dnf repoquery -l rsync
Last metadata expiration check: 0:33:06 ago on Wed 22 Jan 2020 02:57:06 PM UTC.

ansible – restart a (nginx) service only if it is running and the configuration is ok

Another ansible quick tip showing how to restart a program properly. We want to restart the program or the service only if it is running (because some system on executing restart may start the service even it is in the stopped state).
Here is what the ansible playbook do:

  1. Check if the program is running.
  2. Check the configuration of the program. Do not restart a program or service if it cannot start after a stop command because of bad configuration file(s).
  3. Restart the service (the program) only if the above two are true.

If you are a newbie in ansible you can check this article – First ansible use – install and execute a single command or multiple tasks in a playbook There you can see how to create your inventory file (and configure sudo if you remotely log in with unprivileged user) used herein the example.

Ansible YAML file

For our example we use the nginx webserver in the ansible playbook. Put the following code in a file and then execute ansible-playbook:

- hosts: all
    - name: Test for running nginx
      shell: ps axuf|grep 'nginx'|grep -v "grep" | tr -d "\n" | cat
      register: test_running_nginx
      changed_when: False
      tags: restart-nginx
    - name: First check the configuration
      shell: /usr/sbin/nginx -t
      register: test_nginx_config
      when: test_running_nginx.stdout != ""
      changed_when: False
      ignore_errors: True
      tags: restart-nginx
    - name: Restart nginx
      service: name=nginx state=restarted
      when: test_running_nginx.stdout != "" and test_nginx_config.rc == 0
      tags: restart-nginx

Here is how to run the above ansible playbook

myuser@srv ~ $ ansible-playbook -l srv2 -i ./inventory.ini ./playbook-example.yml -b

PLAY [all] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [Test for running nginx] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [First check the configuration] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [srv2]

TASK [Restart nginx] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [srv2]

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
srv2                       : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Here we add to the command line “-b”, which will escalate to root if it is needed (using sudo) because the remote connection is done with unprivileged user “myuser”. You can skip this option if you described the remote connection with the root user in the inventory file (or a system user, which has permissions to restart services).
Keep on reading!