Install and use collectd-ping under CentOS 8 to monitor latency

Tracking the network latency of the servers’ network is not an easy job. Most monitoring software is capable to monitor the state of the server, but how to monitor the state of the connectivity and the network latency and even the Internet connectivity with some respectful addresses like or It should be easy to do it with ICMP and ping command but using the collectd daemon and one of its plugins offers collectd-ping from to save all the history in a time series back-end and using grafana (or other graphs/histograms and etc software) to make graphs.
Using the collectd-ping plugin in conjunction with grafana may reach the similar effect as using the old and gold smokeping.
CentOS 7 included the collectd-ping plugin in its official repository, but in CentOS 8 the plugin is missing! Under Cent OS 8 the CentOS SIG OpsTools includes the collectd-ping plugin in their repository. More on SIG and OpsTools may be obtained in the later page. In general, it is safe to use this repository it would not break user’s system.
Here is how to install and configure it. Real grafana examples are also included at the end.

The example here assumes there is a grafana server installed with influxdb backend.

STEP 1) Add OpsTools repository and install the collectd and collectd-ping.

The OpsTools repository is installed with centos-release-opstools package.
Here is what is going to install:

dnf install -y centos-release-opstools
dnf install -y collectd collectd-ping

Keep on reading!

Reset lost admin password of Grafana server (CentOS 7)

It could happen to lose your Grafana admin password and luckily there is a pretty easy way for the system administrator of the Grafana server to reset the admin password.
There is really good and simple page of how you can reset the admin password with grafana-cli in the documentation of Grafana website. Probably you can check it, too.

The problem is that most distributions like the one we use (CentOS 7) rearrange the home directory of the Grafana software and if you try to use grafana-cli you’ll end up with the error mentioned in the section below the solution we offer you here! And you really could mess it up and hurry to say this software is buggy!
First, “grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password ” needs to know where is your configuration file and Grafana home directory, because from the configuration it will extract what kind of back-end server you use like sqlite3 or MySQL (or other) and the path or login data if needed to the back-end, then it will reset the password with the given one. At the bottom of this article, there is another method of resetting the Grafana admin password without grafana-cli – manual reset in the database.
So first you should check with what command-line arguments was your instance of Grafana server started:
Keep on reading!