Install gitlab-ce (community edition) in docker container with HTTPS and docker registry

This article is a howto install of the official docker gitlab-ce (GitLab Community Edition). GitLab maintains a docker image in the Docker registry and this is the best way to install GitLab.
In this article you are going to learn how:

  • to install the GitLab CE in docker
  • to enable HTTPS (SSL) web support to your GitLab
  • to enable the docker registry functionality of GitLab

To install GitLab docker image in your Linux distribution all you need is a working docker environment and started docker daemon. As you know, installing software with docker will allow you to keep your main system clean and let you use a fined tuned installation from the official developer (creator). As mentioned already, the GitLab maintains an official GitLab image in the Docker Registry so you may expect everything to work smoothly and better than if you make an installation in a clean Linux distribution like CentOS, Ubuntu and so on. In this article, we will include the most important docker commands to control and configure the GitLab docker container and even if you are not familiar with the Docker software they are simple enough to use them and prefer this method over GitLab normal installation.

GitLab has integrated the Docker Container Registry in GitLab Container Registry and now with GitLab you can have a local Docker registry containing all project’s docker images!

Just to note, the Docker Registry is the place for the Docker (aka Linux) images.
Using GitLab Container Registry with CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) you can create automatically test, staging, development and production docker images.
Keep on reading!