simple time synchronization of a server (laptop, desktop) using built-in systemd-timesyncd service

Here we offer you a relatively new way of keeping your server’s time (or your computer and laptop) synchronized with a reliable time service on the Internet.

systemd has a built-in feature – a small daemon (systemd-timesyncd) to periodically to contact NTP servers and keep the server’s clock synchronized with them!

Of course, you must use systemd in your Linux distribution. This article is for those Linux systems using systemd, not for upstart (sysvinit, openrc, upstart, runit and so on). Most of the modern Linux distributions use the systemd like Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, Gentoo, SuSe and many more.

Once there were not many options to keep your server’s clock synced with NTP servers. Now we have simpler programs (some of which by the way could act as clients only!!!) – chrony, openntpd, systemd-timesyncd and more.
This time synchronization service is not going to open server port 123, it does not have the server capabilities of an NTP server. So you won’t need any firewall rules (like for ntpd). It is a simple client service to sync your time and keep it synchronized all the time with accuracy not more than 100ms.

Do not expect complex clock discipline like training or compensating. It just sets the time according to a selected time server from the configuration file in “/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf”. The polling interval is automatically adjusted in minimal and maximal values from the configuration file and the daemon decides which is the actual interval based on the near-term drift it thinks. Possible back running clock if it needs to set in the past. The quality of the clock source could not be checked, so

in any case, you may not expect more than 100ms accuracy.

Of course, this service is actively developed and it has already many changes from the base client once it was!

Here is how you can enable it. Here are the steps:
Keep on reading!