SSD cache device to a software RAID5 using LVM2

Continuing our series LVM2 plus cache device:

  1. single hard disk with a SSD device SSD cache device to a hard disk drive using LVM, which uses SSD drive as a cache device to a single hard drive.
  2. Mirror LVM2 device with a SSD device for cache – SSD cache device to a software raid using LVM2 – software mirror across two devices with an additional SSD cache device over the mirror.

And now we show you how to do software RAID5 with SSD cache nvme using LVM2.

The goal:
Caching RAID5 consisting of three 8T hard drives with a single 1T NVME SSD drive. Caching reads, i.e. the write-through is enabled ().
Our setup:

  • 1 NVME SSD disk Samsung 1T. It will be used for writethrough cache device (you may use writeback, too, you do not care for the data if the cache device fails)!
  • 3 Hard disk drive 8T grouped in RAID5 for redundancy.

Keep on reading!

SSD cache device to a software raid using LVM2

Inspired by our article – SSD cache device to a hard disk drive using LVM, which uses SSD driver as a cache device to a single hard drive, we decided to make a new article, but this time using two hard drives in raid setup (in our case RAID1 for redundancy) and a single NVME SSD drive.
The goal:
Caching RAID1 consisting of two 8T hard drive with a single 1T NVME SSD drive. Caching reads and writes, i.e. the write-back is enabled.
Our setup:

  • 1 NVME SSD disk Samsung 1T. It will be used for writeback cache device (you may use writethrough, too, to maintain the redundancy of the whole storage)!
  • 2 Hard disk drive 8T grouped in RAID1 for redundancy.

STEP 1) Install lvm2 and enable the lvm2 service

Only this step is different on different Linux distributions. We included three of them:
Ubuntu 16+:

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install lvm2 -y
systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad
systemctl start lvm2-lvmetad

CentOS 7:

yum update
yum install -y lvm2
systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad
systemctl start lvm2-lvmetad


emerge --sync
emerge -v sys-fs/lvm2
/etc/init.d/lvm start
rc-update add default lvm

Keep on reading!

SSD cache device to a hard disk drive using LVM

This article is to show how simple is to use an SSD cache device to a hard disk drive. We also included statistics and graphs for several days of usage in one of our streaming servers.
Our setup:

  • 1 SSD disk Samsung 480G. It will be used for writeback cache device!
  • 1 Hard disk drive 1T

We included several graphs of this setup from one of our static media servers serving HLS video streaming.

The effectiveness of the cache is around 2-4 times at least!

Keep on reading!