This is a basic review of the Eclipse new Angular IDE. What is the basic functionality of the IDE and how we can work with it. The main purpose is to show what it looks like creating an angular project.
STEP 1) Launch the Angular IDE and select the Workspace you used for your projects.
Angular IDE
STEP 2) Eclipse IDE started for the first time – no projects opened and no history projects.
STEP 3) Create project by clicking the down array (the second icon from the left) and then Angular Project
Angular Project
STEP 4) A new window will pop up asking for the name of the project and as you can see you can tune the specific versions of Angular CLI, Node.js and NPM. Click “Next”.
New Angular Project
STEP 5) Here you see the commands that will be executed by the eclipse IDE to create a new Angular Project. Click “Finish”.
New Angular Project Finish
STEP 6) The commands of the previous step are executed and the needed packages and their dependecies will be installed. There a progress status with percetages right bottom of the IDE. When the percetages reach 100% the view for the angular project will be opened.
Creating the Angular Project
STEP 7) Angular project opened, the “main.ts” file is showed in the typescript editor. A proper hilighting of typescript language.
STEP 8) We open the “app.component.ts” file in the typescript editor and we add “body” variable for testing the IDE.
ReviewIDEApp – app.component.ts
STEP 9) The html file of the AppComponent – it has a proposals (autocomplete) even in the angular string interpolation {{}}. So we use the proposal of our AppComponent variable “body”.
ReviewIDEApp – app.component.html
STEP 10) There is a tab “Servers” left bottom with all the Angular CLI applications. We have only one ReviewIDEApp, mark it and then click on the “play” button and the project will be built and started on the local ip port 4200.
ReviewIDEApp – Servers
STEP 11) in the terminal you can see all the commands and their output. Our angular application is being built.
ReviewIDEApp – Terminal
STEP 12) Again in the “Servers” tab we see our application is running on http://localhost:4200/ Also you see our modification of the default code.
ReviewIDEApp – running – build OK
STEP 13) Open your browser and load http://localhost:4200/ you’ll see something similar and our variable “body” (“Hello World”) showed in the header.
ReviewIDEApp – browser http://localhost:4200/
STEP 14) Create a new angular component with the IDE is simple, just mark your application in the “Project Explorer” -> right mouse click -> “New” -> “Component”.
New Component
STEP 15) Set the “Element Name” and you also could click on “Advanced” to see more options for the component creation.
New Angular CLI Component
STEP 16) For example you can uncheck “Create component with Unit Test (–spec)” and then Next. It will not generate the spec file.
New Angular CLI Component – Advanced
STEP 17) You see the commands to be executed in the terminal and then click “Finish” to execute the commands.
New Angular CLI Component – Generated Command
STEP 18) The files for the component are generated – ts (typescript file), html (the template file) and css (the style file). The three file are placed in a separate directory with the name of the component. The typescript file has the skeleton of your angular component.
STEP 19) As you can see the CLI inlcuded the component we created from the previous step in our global app.module file.
STEP 20) Create a new angular pipe with the IDE is simple, just mark your application in the “Project Explorer” -> right mouse click -> “New” -> “Pipe”.
New Pipe
STEP 21) Set the “Element Name” and you also could click on “Advanced” to see more options for the pipe creation.
New Angular CLI Pipe
STEP 22) For example you can uncheck “Create component with Unit Test (–spec)” and then Next. It will not generate the spec file.
New Angular CLI Pipe – Advanced
STEP 23) You see the commands to be executed in the terminal and then click “Finish” to execute the commands.
New Angular CLI Pipe – Generated Command
STEP 24) One typescript file is generated. The typescript mypipe.pipe.ts file has the skeleton of a pipe component. There is the definition of the pipe class implementing the the mandatory class “PipeTransform” and the method transform to override.
STEP 25) Create a new angular service with the IDE is simple, just mark your application in the “Project Explorer” -> right mouse click -> “New” -> “Service” and you’ll see the window for creating a service. Enter “Element Name”, click “Advanced” to see more options for the angular services.
New Angular CLI Service
STEP 26) You see the commands to be executed in the terminal and then click “Finish” to execute the commands.
New Angular CLI Service – Generated Command
STEP 27) The typescript file for our service is generated: a an exported class with blank constuctor.
STEP 28) There is autocomplete for the import directive.
import – autocomplete
STEP 29) There is autocomplete for the exported class of the imported file/library.
import class – autocomplete
STEP 30) There is autocomplete for the component names in the html. If you write “html component autocomplete
STEP 31) Our component works!
Our app in the Browser
STEP 32) There is an autocomplete of the all html tags.
Html template file
STEP 33) There is an autocomplete of the all html tags.
Html template file
STEP 34) Information is available for all properties.
Property information
STEP 35) Autocomplete proposal for all the available classes of an import.
Autocomplete proposal for classes
STEP 36) Autocomplete proposal fired in a funtion body.
My preferred Angular IDE is Codelobster –